After a scheduled maintenance work yesterday 31 May 2021 at 1:00 pm utc all the ASO mailing lists stopped allowing emails going through.
The problem was reported to the ASO Chairs and NRO EC chair as soon as it was detected by the secretariat around 1 June 2021 2:00 AM UTC. A ticket reporting the issue was raised in the support tech staff system around 15 minutes before.
It was reported by the tech support staff that there were some permission issues in the mailman server and those were fixed around 1 June 2021 12:15 PM UTC.
Unfortunately any emails sent to any ASO mailing lists (ac-internal, ac-discuss, nom-com etc) between 31 May 2021 1:00 PM UTC and 1 June 2021 12:15 PM UTC was not delivered.
I apologise for all the inconveniences produced by this system failure.
We’ll be exploring options to avoid this problem in the future.
Kind regards