TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review

Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted De : De la part de Sander Steffann (Confluence) Envoyé : mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 À : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Objet : [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a 2 nouveaux commentaires pour cette page
Sander Steffann
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
Sander Steffann
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures De la part de Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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participants (2)
Ricardo Patara