Hi everyone.
After reading the current procedures I have some suggestions.
I think we should work on the section 6. This should be more in depth review to consider the editorial changes suggested by Kevin in the past but also the grammar suggestions by Nurani back then. The section would need a rewrite.
A part from that, I also have some suggestions bellow that I think could be addressed by this group considering the time we have:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Minimal Editorial changes
(a1) at the first paragraph and also at the "1. Purpose" we have the following: "The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organization (ASO AC) was established under the provisions of Section 3 of the ICANN ..."
Where it reads "Section 3", it should be "Section 4"
(a2) both chapter 3 and 4 have the exact same text: "The Address Council shall be composed of members as described and provided for in the ASO MoU."
Maybe remove it from the chapter 4 where it talks about "Officers"
(a3) at chapter 4.2 we have: "Ensuring the ASO AC has an approved work plan for that year and overseeing the implementation of the same."
There is no mention of "year" in this chapter before this paragraph. Maybe change it for: "Ensuring the ASO AC has an approved work plan for the year and overseeing the implementation of the same.
(a3) at chapter 6.1 and 9.1 we have: "Under the provisions of Article VIII of the Bylaws for ICANN"
It should be "Article IX". Regarding 6.1 it was already covered in Kevin update proposal
(a4) at chapter 6.2 we have: "Attachment A of the ASO MoU describes the policy development process for global Internet number policies. Section 5 of the ASO MoU "
It should be "Section 6". Also covered in Kevin update proposal
(a5) at chapter A "." is missing before "In the event..."
(a6) at second paragraph we have the following phrase duplicated:
"If the in-person interview happens to coincide with an in-person meeting of the Address Council, then the entire council may conduct the interview."
------------------------------------------------------------------------- (b) Medium editorial changes
(b1) at chapter 4.4.4. there is no mention to "electronic voting" expect on the part that mention tie breaker.
We might need something at the beginning of this chapter.
(b2) 5.6. Types of Meetings In the mention about in-person meeting, and as suggested by Esteban, we might need to left this more open:
"The in-person meeting will be conducted, preferably, at an ICANN Community Forum. At the Council discretion, it could be at any other ICANN official meeting or during a RIR meeting"
(b3) the chapter 9.4.6. talks about the interview process and presents 3 rounds: "The period of the interview phase is a maximum of 60 calendar days and commences 30 days after the start of the comment phase. During this phase, up to three rounds of interviews will be conducted: Round (1) will be in written, Round (2) will be conducted via videoconference (with audio conference as an option if video is not feasible), and round (3) in person, in that order. The round (1) written interview is compulsory. The round (2) interview may be skipped in the event that an in-person interview is conducted. However, if an in-person interview is not possible, a video conference (with audio conference as an option if video is not feasible) interview will be conducted."
From that we have that round 1 is a must. Round 2 could be skipped if there would be an opportunity to have the in-person (Round 3). But the Round 3 would be limited to up 3 person as per
I think we need to rewrite this chapter 9.4.6. In the past we have had 2 rounds of videoconference due to the number of candidates. This should be reflected in the procedures.
(b4) in the chapter it is mentioned that IC would produce a report and also a ranking of candidates. During the last election there were concerns about raking the candidates. We should review this part.
(b5) in the chapter 9.5.1. there is: "Consideration will be given to any candidate in the most recently conducted General Selection Procedure who received at least one-third of all votes cast."
Is it possible to determine 1/3 of votes if using the Schultze method?
(b6) Study possible adjustments to section to include (*):
- review the timeframes we have for the process. we might need a larger interview phase.
- provisioning to have the whole AC working the set of questions to be used in the interviews (written, videoconf and in-person). this should be months before the nomination period starts. As already in the current procedures, the written questionnaire preparation is not exclusive task of IC. It should extend so to the other interviews questions.
- provisioning the set the interviews dates before the interview period starts. Currently, the IC starts to work on this when this group is formed, and that is when the Interview phase starts.
(*) those points above could exist in the procedures or as guideline to be observed every election year and to be included in that year working plan.
Regards, Ricardo
On 01/07/2022 11:49, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for having attended our call today.
Please find attached the slides I’ve presented.
As discussed:
- German or Laureana, could you send an Outlook invitation including a Zoom ling for Tuesday 26^th January 12 PM UTC ?
- Ricardo, can you insert in the Wikipage the suggestions you’ve proposed at the end of the ICANN Board of Directors seat 10 election process https://asowiki.atlassian.net/l/c/jCnnUJLD https://asowiki.atlassian.net/l/c/jCnnUJLD ?
- Everyone is the Group is invited to read before July 15^th the complete ASO AC operation procedures text, including Kevin, Ricardo and Nurani’s suggestions (cf. the Wikipage)
- When reading the text, note all the ideas or suggestions you can have in the Wiki.
- Between July 18^th and July 26^th we can share via email our thoughts regarding all the note collected and start identifying thematic to study.
Tell me if I’ve forgotten something.
Have an excellent week-end.