Hello everyone.
I am sending a report about last LACNIC meeting elaborated by Esteban, Jorge and myself.
In case of any clarification needed, we can address during our June meeting.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- LACNIC 35 Report
LACNIC 35 meeting was celebrated online, from May 10th to 14th.
According to the provided statistics there were more than 1000 people connected online during the week.
The main activities in LACNIC35 were the Public Policy Forum and the LACNIC Technical Forum. Besides, training about IPv6, Secure Routing and DNS/DNSSEC were included. FIRST Symposium and LAC Peering Forum, had parallel sessions with LACNIC35
In the Policy Forum agenda, there were 9 policy proposals presented, which are listed below:
* LAC-2019-7: PDP Chair Election Procedure v7 (In discussion until June 3th. Decision of the Moderators by June 17th)
* LAC-2020-1: Add IPv6 operational as a requirement for IPv4 transfers (In discussion until May 26th. Decision of the Moderators by June 9th)
* LAC-2020-3: Impact Analysis Is Mandatory v2 (Discussion period ended on May 11th. Decision of the Moderators by May 25th)
* LAC-2020-4: Adjustment to the Functions of the Board of Directors v2 (In discussion until Jun 18th. Decision of the Moderators by July 2nd)
* LAC-2020-6: Miscellaneous changes to the PDP v2 (In discussion until June 18th. Decision of the Moderators by July 2nd)
* LAC-2020-9: PDP Chair Election v3 (In discussion until June 2nd. Decision of the Moderators by June 16th)
* LAC-2020-10: Authorize Recipients of Delegated Blocks to Sign ROAs (The discussion period ended on May 11th. Decision of the Moderators by May 25th)
* LAC-2021-1: Modify section “ and 4.3 Inclusion of origin ASN in WHOIS responses when available” (The discussion period ended on May 11th. Decision of the Moderators by May 25th)
* LAC-2021-2: Non-Competition between Proposals (In discussion until June 6th. Decision of the Moderators by June 25th)
During this Public Policy Forum, the audience had the chance to use the mic for questions and comments. Additional comments and questions were allowed using the chat and Q&A facilities included in the Zoom platform.
The next LACNIC event (number 36), will be celebrated jointly with the LACNOG annual meeting. It was announced to be held from October 11th to 15th. LACNIC36/LACNOG2021 has been thought of as a possible in person event in Cali, Colombia. Anyway, it will depend on two key aspects: the solution of the current political situation in Colombia and the improvements in the global health situation related to COVID-19.. If not possible to attend in person, it will be the fourth LACNIC virtual meeting in a row.
participants (1)
Ricardo Patara