Re: Next APNIC 56 ASO AC agenda (F2F meeting)

Hi Hervé, how are you?
Many thanks for your update.
As I remember from the ICANN meeting in Kobe, the local host has to issue documentation to be presented at the Japan embassy to request the visa. Will this topic be covered during the exchange with the organization team?
I don’t know the experiences of the other AC members, but at least, here in Havana, the Japanese embassy required that the documents (in Japanese, of course) were sent printed from Japan using a courier. The visa approval process was very quick but it took some stressful days waiting for the courier. Even when we´ll have a few weeks ahead to do it, we should start the process as soon as possible.
De: Fecha: lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023, 11:49 a. m. Para: "" Asunto: [AC-DISCUSS] Next APNIC 56 ASO AC agenda (F2F meeting)
Dear all,
Our second F2F meeting of the year will take place in Kyoto during APNIC 56 (thanks one more time to the NRO EC for your approval).
As time is needed for visas applications and/or affordable plane tickets, we had first discussions with the secretariat and vice chairs to define which days the ASO AC / NRO EC can meet.
Schedule of APNIC 56 can be found there:
Due to first constraints, ASO AC slots will take place on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th (with perhaps the need to meet on Wednesday or Thursday).
That’s a first idea and German and Nicole will exchange with the organization team to discuss inter alia the logistic possibilities.
We will avoid of course events like policy discussions and slots our APNIC councilors have specific functions and duties.
This organization will be included in the agenda of our next monthly meeting.
Best regards
Hervé _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Dear Jorge,
Thanks, it's definitely a point that needs to be covered. I don't know if German or Ozan have first elements to share (thanks in advance) ?
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : Jorge Villa Envoyé : mardi 30 mai 2023 02:35 À : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET; Objet : Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Next APNIC 56 ASO AC agenda (F2F meeting)
Hi Hervé, how are you?
Many thanks for your update.
As I remember from the ICANN meeting in Kobe, the local host has to issue documentation to be presented at the Japan embassy to request the visa. Will this topic be covered during the exchange with the organization team?
I don't know the experiences of the other AC members, but at least, here in Havana, the Japanese embassy required that the documents (in Japanese, of course) were sent printed from Japan using a courier. The visa approval process was very quick but it took some stressful days waiting for the courier. Even when we´ll have a few weeks ahead to do it, we should start the process as soon as possible.
Regards, Jorge
De: <> Fecha: lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023, 11:49 a. m. Para: "" <> Asunto: [AC-DISCUSS] Next APNIC 56 ASO AC agenda (F2F meeting)
Dear all,
Our second F2F meeting of the year will take place in Kyoto during APNIC 56 (thanks one more time to the NRO EC for your approval). As time is needed for visas applications and/or affordable plane tickets, we had first discussions with the secretariat and vice chairs to define which days the ASO AC / NRO EC can meet. Schedule of APNIC 56 can be found there:
Due to first constraints, ASO AC slots will take place on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th (with perhaps the need to meet on Wednesday or Thursday). That's a first idea and German and Nicole will exchange with the organization team to discuss inter alia the logistic possibilities. We will avoid of course events like policy discussions and slots our APNIC councilors have specific functions and duties.
This organization will be included in the agenda of our next monthly meeting.
Best regards
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participants (2)
Jorge Villa