As per action assigned to the Secretariat here is a list of logistics considerations to open the call to general observers
- Send a single announcement to all regions about the new feature of the ASO AC Teleconferences. * Announcement should be clear that observers cannot speak only listen to the call. - An annual reminder should be sent once the ASO AC establishes the ASO AC Teleconference calendar at the beginning of the year - Zoom link to published in the ASO AC Calendar 2 weeks before the call. * https://aso.icann.org/meetings/2019-aso-ac-meetings/ - Secretariat to send invitation of the ASO AC teleconference one week before tagging RIRs and ICANN accounts - No changes in the role call (only for ASO AC ) and keeping the record of participants from the RIR and ICANN Staff and Board members observers, as asual. - In the Welcome section of the agenda in every teleconference the ASO AC chair should remind about non RIR, ICANN staff and Board members observers can't participate in the deliberations of the meeting (including chat room?). - Keep record of the numbers of observers in the minutes.
For your consideration and discussion in the teleconference this week.