Hi Everyone, Please review and provide feedback.
=============== Monday, 9th March ===============
*ASO-AC Working Session [Closed] *10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Review -Quick overview (5-10mins) -What is sensitive in the Process i.e timeline, window for each activity, engagement etc? (20mins) -Adjustments to Procedures – What does a candidate get to see? (30mins) -Key areas requiring work – Split into groups to tackle top 3. (30mins)
*ASO Joint Public Information Session [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: Present the overview of IANA(PTI), NRO and ASO. More updates will be added here after confirmation received from IANA and NRO
================ Tuesday, 10th March ================
*ASO-ICANN Board Meeting*9:45 to 10:45 Agenda: ASO-AC will present the status of ASO-Review implemented, pending or under development actions on ASO-AC side and a policy update. This will be notified to NRO-EC after February meeting.
*ASO-AC Working Session [Open] *15:15 to 16:45 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Update -Quick overview from Monday closed session (10mins) -Working on the changes to the Operating Procedure in groups (60min) -Combine and finalise the changes (requesting legal counsel help) (20mins)
*ASO-AC Monthly Meeting [Open]*17:00 to 18:30 Agenda: Monthly March Meeting.
================== Wednesday, 11th March ===================
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: GPDP
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: GPDP
Reviewing the Global Policy Development Process. The purpose of the comprehensive review of GPDP is to take an in depth look at the existing GPDP as defined in ASO-AC Operating Procedures to: (The Current GPDP is defined here: https://aso.icann.org/global-policies/global-policy-development-process/)
1- Determine if the current GPDP as defined in the operating procedure is in line with the ICANN-ASO MoU (Attachment A).
(Attachment A of ICANN-ASO MoU - https://aso.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ASO-MoU-Executed-Nov-7-2019... )
2- Determine if changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the GPDP as defined in the operating procedures.
Aftab A. Siddiqui