ICANN 67 - Schedule

Hi Everyone, Please review and provide feedback.
=============== Monday, 9th March ===============
*ASO-AC Working Session [Closed] *10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Review -Quick overview (5-10mins) -What is sensitive in the Process i.e timeline, window for each activity, engagement etc? (20mins) -Adjustments to Procedures – What does a candidate get to see? (30mins) -Key areas requiring work – Split into groups to tackle top 3. (30mins)
*ASO Joint Public Information Session [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: Present the overview of IANA(PTI), NRO and ASO. More updates will be added here after confirmation received from IANA and NRO
================ Tuesday, 10th March ================
*ASO-ICANN Board Meeting*9:45 to 10:45 Agenda: ASO-AC will present the status of ASO-Review implemented, pending or under development actions on ASO-AC side and a policy update. This will be notified to NRO-EC after February meeting.
*ASO-AC Working Session [Open] *15:15 to 16:45 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Update -Quick overview from Monday closed session (10mins) -Working on the changes to the Operating Procedure in groups (60min) -Combine and finalise the changes (requesting legal counsel help) (20mins)
*ASO-AC Monthly Meeting [Open]*17:00 to 18:30 Agenda: Monthly March Meeting.
================== Wednesday, 11th March ===================
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: GPDP
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: GPDP
Reviewing the Global Policy Development Process. The purpose of the comprehensive review of GPDP is to take an in depth look at the existing GPDP as defined in ASO-AC Operating Procedures to: (The Current GPDP is defined here: https://aso.icann.org/global-policies/global-policy-development-process/)
1- Determine if the current GPDP as defined in the operating procedure is in line with the ICANN-ASO MoU (Attachment A).
(Attachment A of ICANN-ASO MoU - https://aso.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ASO-MoU-Executed-Nov-7-2019... )
2- Determine if changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the GPDP as defined in the operating procedures.
Aftab A. Siddiqui

Resending the ICANN67 Schedule we prepared for the F2F meeting. Here are the important bits, the plan was to review the Seat 9/10 selection procedure, we made small changes this year but no changes to operating procedures yet. This is well overdue and should be prioritised. The GPDP Review can be postponed at least for the first half of the year.
*ASO-AC Working Session [Closed] *10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Review -Quick overview (5-10mins) -What is sensitive in the Process i.e timeline, window for each activity, engagement etc? (20mins) -Adjustments to Procedures – What does a candidate get to see? (30mins) -Key areas requiring work – Split into groups to tackle top 3. (30mins)
Aftab A. Siddiqui
On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 14:32, Aftab Siddiqui aftab.siddiqui@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Everyone, Please review and provide feedback.
=============== Monday, 9th March ===============
*ASO-AC Working Session [Closed] *10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Review -Quick overview (5-10mins) -What is sensitive in the Process i.e timeline, window for each activity, engagement etc? (20mins) -Adjustments to Procedures – What does a candidate get to see? (30mins) -Key areas requiring work – Split into groups to tackle top 3. (30mins)
*ASO Joint Public Information Session [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: Present the overview of IANA(PTI), NRO and ASO. More updates will be added here after confirmation received from IANA and NRO
================ Tuesday, 10th March ================
*ASO-ICANN Board Meeting*9:45 to 10:45 Agenda: ASO-AC will present the status of ASO-Review implemented, pending or under development actions on ASO-AC side and a policy update. This will be notified to NRO-EC after February meeting.
*ASO-AC Working Session [Open] *15:15 to 16:45 Agenda: ICANN Board Seat9/10 Selection Procedure Update -Quick overview from Monday closed session (10mins) -Working on the changes to the Operating Procedure in groups (60min) -Combine and finalise the changes (requesting legal counsel help) (20mins)
*ASO-AC Monthly Meeting [Open]*17:00 to 18:30 Agenda: Monthly March Meeting.
================== Wednesday, 11th March ===================
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*10:30 to 12:00 Agenda: GPDP
*ASO-AC GPDP Review [Open]*13:30 to 15:00 Agenda: GPDP
Reviewing the Global Policy Development Process. The purpose of the comprehensive review of GPDP is to take an in depth look at the existing GPDP as defined in ASO-AC Operating Procedures to: (The Current GPDP is defined here: https://aso.icann.org/global-policies/global-policy-development-process/)
1- Determine if the current GPDP as defined in the operating procedure is in line with the ICANN-ASO MoU (Attachment A).
(Attachment A of ICANN-ASO MoU - https://aso.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ASO-MoU-Executed-Nov-7-2019... )
2- Determine if changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the GPDP as defined in the operating procedures.
Aftab A. Siddiqui
participants (1)
Aftab Siddiqui