Dear ASO AC Draft agenda for your review. 0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes a) August 2023 Teleconference 5. ASO AC Procedures Review Update 6. ICP-2 7. ASO AC Second f2f Meeting Update 8. ASO Meeting with ICANN Board in Hamburg 9. AOB 10. Closed Session (IF NEEDED) 11. Adjourn
Updated Action Item 230313-1: Hervé C. to check with each RIR when a policy proposal is marked as global and whether it is vetted before it comes to the ASO AC. Also, to check what are the next steps once a policy is marked as global. Hervé C. to compile all the answers in a document and share it with the ASO AC.
Action Item 230607-4: All members of the ASO AC to read the ICP-2 and include the ICP-2 review as an agenda item for the ASO AC’s upcoming meetings.
New Action Item 230802-1: Hervé C, Ricardo P., and Nicole C. to discuss the best way to request input from the RIRs on ICP-2 and what changes the document might need from the RIRs’ point of view.
New Action Item 230802-2: All members of the ASO AC to read the ICP-2 individually and provide comments on the mailing list over the next two weeks. Then, as a group, schedule a teleconference in two weeks to do a reading of the ICP-2, review the document, and redline anything that might require changes.
New Action Item 230802-3: Germán V. to prepare a set of tentative dates for the upcoming ICANN Board nomination process to see when we need to have the ASO AC Procedures Update approved.
New Action Item 230802-4: Germán V. to provide Sunny C. with the text that should be published on the APNIC 56 website about the ASO AC sessions.