Hi Martin!
Today is my last day in term as an elected representative from the ARIN region. Thank you all for yet another memorable and productive term, if not very difficult due to the pandemic. The work simply went on. Kudos to all of us.
Thank you, it was a pleasure :)
Regrading the below and concluding you mean our appointments, my opinion is that seats 9 and 10 are to address just what you mention, views. But in these cases views of the RIR community.
Many have assumed it is our duty to put the best qualified forward. This is true. However, that should be the best quality from the RIR community. Not At-Large, GNSO or random. There is a nom-com and if that process is broken it should be fixed. However the RIR’s have a process that is a privelege and should not be squandered. Many have assumed that the ASO AC appointment was an “Easy” way to circumvent the ICANN nom-com. We usually prove that to be incorrect.
I think this is a good summary of what I think as well.
Good luck everyone and have an excellent holiday and safe New Year!
Happy new year!! Sander