Please find in attachment minutes of last meeting and list of open actions
Note that next meeting will be after ICANN week in Montreal on 13 November 2019
• New Action 191002-01: GV to open a support ticket with Zoom regarding the recurring issue of no microphone option being available for some users upon joining and report back to the ASO AC on progress. • Action Item 190904-2 All ASO AC to monitor the zoom platform and discuss the outcome of the first teleconference open to observers • Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing in the ASO website • Action Item 190904-4 AS to set a time as early as possible to discuss the streamline of the ICANN NomCom and ICANN Board election process during ICANN 66 in Montreal • Action Item 190703-1: KB to send notes to the ac-discuss mailing list regarding audit committee. and vote verification methods that were discussed during the ICANN 65 Meeting. Topic to be discussed in ICANN 66 in Montreal