Thank you German.
A comment on the minutes.
Why are we holding the timeline discussion in closed session? I'm not sure I understand the confidentiality requirement. If any.
Martin Hannigan
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 5:22 AM German Valdez german@apnic.net wrote:
This a friendly reminder for you to review the minutes of the last teleconference and any assigned open actions.
Please note that I’m attaching a second version including input from Herve and a correction of the members that moved and seconded adjourning meeting.
Kind regards
*From: *German Valdez german@apnic.net *Date: *Friday, 7 August 2020 at 8:59 am *To: *"ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org *Subject: *Minutes: ASO AC Teleconference 5 August 2020
Please find in attachment minutes of this week teleconference.
Next call is scheduled for Wednesday 2 September 2020.
Open Actions:
*New Open Actions Item 200805-1* CR to obtain the number of views from the ASO AC presentation published for the ICANN 67 meeting.
*New Open Action Item 200805-2* AS to coordinate the update of the ASO AC presentation and delivery it for publication before ICANN 69.
*Open Action Item 200701-01 *Secretariat. To review and fix broken URLs in the ASO website
PS Notes of closed session are in progress, I’ll send those shortly.
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