Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review

Dear all,
Please find attached two documents for our today meeting: - The slides presenting today's work - A word document where I've gathered and sorted all your ideas.
The idea would to define specific tasks to work on and assign people to each of them.
Is it ok for you ?
-----Message d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 22:42 À : 'Ricardo Patara'; Objet : RE: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures De la part de Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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-- Procedures mailing list
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I am at a public place today and I don't have headphones with me. I'll try to find a place to do the call, but I might not make it.,
Cheers, Sander
On 26 Jul 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
Dear all,
Please find attached two documents for our today meeting:
- The slides presenting today's work
- A word document where I've gathered and sorted all your ideas.
The idea would to define specific tasks to work on and assign people to each of them.
Is it ok for you ?
-----Message d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 22:42 À : 'Ricardo Patara'; Objet : RE: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures De la part de Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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-- Procedures mailing list
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<2022 ASO AC Procedures updates specific tasks.docx><2022 07 26 ASO AC Operational Procedures Review #2.ppt>-- Procedures mailing list

Can someone please resend the zoom link for today's call?
Thanks! James
On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 1:47 PM Sander Steffann wrote:
I am at a public place today and I don't have headphones with me. I'll try to find a place to do the call, but I might not make it.,
Cheers, Sander
On 26 Jul 2022, at 11:55, <> wrote:
Dear all,
Please find attached two documents for our today meeting:
- The slides presenting today's work
- A word document where I've gathered and sorted all your ideas.
The idea would to define specific tasks to work on and assign people to
each of them.
Is it ok for you ?
-----Message d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 22:42 À : 'Ricardo Patara'; Objet : RE: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC
Procedures Review
Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures De la part de
Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
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-- Procedures mailing list
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<2022 ASO AC Procedures updates specific tasks.docx><2022 07 26 ASO AC
Operational Procedures Review #2.ppt>--
Procedures mailing list
-- Procedures mailing list
From: Procedures On Behalf Of James Kennedy Sent: Tuesday, 26 July 2022 14:03 To: Subject: Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Can someone please resend the zoom link for today's call?
Thanks! James
On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 1:47 PM Sander Steffann <> wrote: Hi!
I am at a public place today and I don't have headphones with me. I'll try to find a place to do the call, but I might not make it.,
Cheers, Sander
On 26 Jul 2022, at 11:55, <> <> wrote:
Dear all,
Please find attached two documents for our today meeting:
- The slides presenting today's work
- A word document where I've gathered and sorted all your ideas.
The idea would to define specific tasks to work on and assign people to each of them.
Is it ok for you ?
-----Message d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 22:42 À : 'Ricardo Patara' <>; Objet : RE: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures <> De la part de Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* <> *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET <> *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
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ASO AC Procedures Review < Procedures+Review?src=mail&src.mail.timestamp=1658341029568&src.mail.n otification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-notifications- batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.mail.recipient=8a7f808972293a f701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OTJmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiO DYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=view>
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
Afficher le commentaire < Procedures+Review?focusedCommentId=812941324&src=mail&src.mail.timesta mp=1658341029568&src.mail.notification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugin s.confluence-notifications-batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.ma il.recipient=8a7f808972293af701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OT JmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=vie w#comment-812941324>
Répondre < Procedures+Review?replyToComment=812941324&src=mail&src.mail.timestamp =1658341029568&src.mail.notification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugins. confluence-notifications-batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.mail .recipient=8a7f808972293af701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OTJm MDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=reply #comment-812941324>
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*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
Afficher le commentaire < Procedures+Review?focusedCommentId=813039617&src=mail&src.mail.timesta mp=1658341029568&src.mail.notification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugin s.confluence-notifications-batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.ma il.recipient=8a7f808972293af701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OT JmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=vie w#comment-813039617>
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J'aime < d=813039617&src=mail&src.mail.timestamp=1658341029568&src.mail.notific ation=com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-notifications-batch- plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.mail.recipient=8a7f808972293af70172 2be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OTJmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTN kZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=like>
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-- Procedures mailing list
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<2022 ASO AC Procedures updates specific tasks.docx><2022 07 26 ASO AC Operational Procedures Review #2.ppt>-- Procedures mailing list
-- Procedures mailing list

Hello all,
As promised please find below the different tasks with the dedicated volunteer assigned members and few words about the objectives. Martin, Sander, if there’s a task you want to work on, don’t hesitate to tell.
* A – Officers (Chairs / Vice Chairs) Saul / Esteban Review terms and roles of Chairs and Vice Chairs, check if still consistent w/r strength / democracy
* B – meetings Hervé / Esteban Periodicity, quorum, F2F (place to have it), use of video
* C – Global Policy Development Ricardo / Saul Review Kevin’s work
* E – ICANN Board and Directors Selection Ricardo / Mike + Align or take into account selection timeline and aso ac members terms
* F – A specific voting process part (linked to § 7, 8, 9 and 11) Esteban / James + D – Procedures to appoint or remove members Esteban / James Additional points:
* The ASO AC can be comprised of less than 15 members * How to deal with abstention? * When only one candidate?..... To have flexibility Preference for evote ?
De : Procedures De la part de James Kennedy Envoyé : mardi 26 juillet 2022 14:03 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Can someone please resend the zoom link for today's call?
Thanks! James
On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 1:47 PM Sander Steffann <> wrote: Hi!
I am at a public place today and I don't have headphones with me. I'll try to find a place to do the call, but I might not make it.,
Cheers, Sander
On 26 Jul 2022, at 11:55, <> <> wrote:
Dear all,
Please find attached two documents for our today meeting:
- The slides presenting today's work
- A word document where I've gathered and sorted all your ideas.
The idea would to define specific tasks to work on and assign people to each of them.
Is it ok for you ?
-----Message d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 22:42 À : 'Ricardo Patara' <>; Objet : RE: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Noted Ricardo, absolutely no problem 😊
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures <> De la part de Ricardo Patara via Procedures Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2022 18:56 À : Objet : Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] TR: [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
regarding the meeting. I might be a little late to join, but go ahead. no need to wait.
I will join 10~15 min past the hour.
On 25/07/2022 07:35, wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for your work and constructive remarks.
I will take these into account to prepare our tomorrow meeting.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :* <> *De la part de* Sander Steffann (Confluence) *Envoyé :* mercredi 20 juillet 2022 20:17 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET <> *Objet :* [Confluence] ASO AC Private > ASO AC Procedures Review
Il y a *2 nouveaux commentaires* pour cette page
*Sander Steffann*
For point 15: maybe change unanimity to a super majority of ⅔?
Afficher le commentaire < Procedures+Review?focusedCommentId=812941324&src=mail&src.mail.timesta mp=1658341029568&src.mail.notification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugin s.confluence-notifications-batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.ma il.recipient=8a7f808972293af701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OT JmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=vie w#comment-812941324>
*Sander Steffann*
For point 8 about the quorum, what do we do when an RIR gets into trouble and can’t have people represent them in ASO AC? I guess that also applies to the f2f meeting in case an RIR gets its funds frozen like in AFRINIC last year. Such occurrences are really bad and hopefully will not occur again, but shouldn’t we at least have some contingency plans in case things go horribly wrong?
Afficher le commentaire < Procedures+Review?focusedCommentId=813039617&src=mail&src.mail.timesta mp=1658341029568&src.mail.notification=com.atlassian.confluence.plugin s.confluence-notifications-batch-plugin%3Abatching-notification&src.ma il.recipient=8a7f808972293af701722be2e81c01ce&atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiYTU3OT JmMDVlNDZmNGJlNDk2MWI1MzNiODYyNTNkZjEiLCJwIjoiYyJ9&src.mail.action=vie w#comment-813039617>
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Hi all,
Please find attached my notes of the second Procedures Review team meeting.
Best regards,

Thanks a lot Laureana!
I finally will have a medical appointment August 29th. I propose to define another slot next week.
Have all a good day/end of day 😊
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-----Message d'origine----- De : Procedures De la part de Laureana Pavon Envoyé : samedi 30 juillet 2022 17:01 À :; German Valdez Objet : [ASO-PROCEDURES] ASO-AC Procedures Review Team Meeting 26 July 2022-NOTES
Hi all,
Please find attached my notes of the second Procedures Review team meeting.
Best regards,
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participants (5)
James Kennedy
Laureana Pavon
Sander Steffann
Saul Stein