Hi everyone.
Saul and I have been working/discussing the review needs for the Section 6 ( Global Policy Development ).
We have sent each other versions of the document with adjustment and comments.
As discussed in our last teleconference, it would be useful to keep some track of proposed adjustments so it is well documented and justified.
In attach a .doc version with all resolved comments hidden and the one visible would be justification for that specific part editing.
The most part of suggestions are grammar and rewriting to make it easier to read.
Despite those comments, we also pointed the following:
- ASO procedures (section 6) mention ICANN bylaws section 9 This section 9 at ICANN bylaws mention a MOU between this two entities signed in 2004. At the ASO site, the MOU available is more recent, signed on 2019. ICANN document need to reflect this.
- The ICANN Boards has its own Reviews procedures for this process: (https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/review-procedures-2012-02-25-en)
- In that procedures it is stated:
"ICANN staff liaising with the addressing community becomes aware of a global policy development within the scope of the ASO MoU, ICANN staff informs the ICANN Board of this development. The Board decides, as and when appropriate, that this development should be followed by ICANN staff and instructs the ICANN CEO to assign staff for this purpose. ICANN staff so assigned shall inform all ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees"
Maybe, ASO AC chair is expected to make ICANN staff aware of such global proposal and it will be up to the ICANN to proceed with next steps internally as described above.
In our procedures there is no process to inform ICANN when of the start of global policy discussion. We would only communicate with ICANN at the approval phase.
- ASO/AC procedures has some statements about defining the calendar ICANN will follow to work on the proposal. This a little different from what is already stated in the ICANN Boards Reviews procedures above.
Thanks regards
participants (1)
Ricardo Patara