Re: [ASO-PROCEDURES] ASO Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting

Dear all,
Following our last week meeting, we propose for the agenda of the RIPE 85 F2F meeting to discuss:
Monday morning: A – Officers (Chairs / Vice Chairs) Saul / Esteban – yes, already discussed B – Meetings Hervé / Esteban – yes, already discussed C – Global Policy Development Ricardo / Saul – yes, discussed today D – Procedures to appoint or remove members Esteban / James - TBC
Tuesday morning: E – ICANN Board and Directors Selection Ricardo / Mike - TBC F – A specific voting process part (linked to § 7, 8, 9 and 11) Esteban / James – TBC
Knowing that the voting process part would need 1 hour.
I will prepare a global introduction I will share to all before the RIPE meeting and we agreed that owners of each topic will do the same 😊
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon in Belgrade.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : lundi 26 septembre 2022 23:36 À : Cc : 'German Valdez Aviles'; Kevin Blumberg Objet : ASO Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting
Dear all,
As promised please find below an agenda proposal for our tomorrow meeting (27th September)
1 – Definition of the agenda of the next F2F meeting in Belgrade (operational review part) A – Officers (Chairs / Vice Chairs) Saul / Esteban – yes, already discussed B – Meetings Hervé / Esteban – yes, already discussed C – Global Policy Development Ricardo / Saul – yes, discussed today D – Procedures to appoint or remove members Esteban / James - TBC E – ICANN Board and Directors Selection Ricardo / Mike - TBC F – A specific voting process part (linked to § 7, 8, 9 and 11) Esteban / James – TBC 2 – Global Policy Development 3 – Other items if prepared by their owners.
Best regards
-----Rendez-vous d'origine----- De : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET Envoyé : dimanche 25 septembre 2022 22:41 À : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET; Cc : German Valdez Aviles; Kevin Blumberg Objet : ASO Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting Date : mardi 27 septembre 2022 14:00-15:00 (UTC+01:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris. Où :
Dear all,
I‘ve received a cancellation of this meeting, I don’t know if it’s the case for everyone. I resend this invitation to secure the slot. I will prepare and send the agenda tomorrow.
Kind regards
German Valdez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ASO AC Procedures Review 4th Meeting Time: Sep 27, 2022 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link:
Meeting ID: 938 5309 4836 Password: 967792
If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number:
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Hi Hervé, thanks for all the arrangements.
And agreed that we should make a introduction of the subject under each of us responsibility. Such thing could contain the justifications for adjustments proposed.
On 03/10/22 11:40, wrote:
Dear all,
Following our last week meeting, we propose for the agenda of the RIPE 85 F2F meeting to discuss:
Monday morning:
A – Officers (Chairs / Vice Chairs) Saul / Esteban – yes, already discussed
B – Meetings Hervé / Esteban – yes, already discussed
C – Global Policy Development Ricardo / Saul – yes, discussed today
D – Procedures to appoint or remove members Esteban / James - TBC
Tuesday morning:
E – ICANN Board and Directors Selection Ricardo / Mike - TBC
F – A specific voting process part (linked to § 7, 8, 9 and 11) Esteban / James – TBC
Knowing that the voting process part would need 1 hour.
I will prepare a global introduction I will share to all before the RIPE meeting and we agreed that owners of each topic will do the same 😊
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon in Belgrade.
Kind regards
Orange Restricted
*De :*CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Envoyé :* lundi 26 septembre 2022 23:36 *À :* *Cc :* 'German Valdez Aviles'; Kevin Blumberg *Objet :* ASO Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting
Dear all,
As promised please find below an agenda proposal for our tomorrow meeting (27^th September)
1 – Definition of the agenda of the next F2F meeting in Belgrade (operational review part)
A – Officers (Chairs / Vice Chairs) Saul / Esteban – yes, already discussed
B – Meetings Hervé / Esteban – yes, already discussed
C – Global Policy Development Ricardo / Saul – yes, discussed today
D – Procedures to appoint or remove members Esteban / James - TBC
E – ICANN Board and Directors Selection Ricardo / Mike - TBC
F – A specific voting process part (linked to § 7, 8, 9 and 11) Esteban / James – TBC
2 – Global Policy Development
3 – Other items if prepared by their owners.
Best regards
-----Rendez-vous d'origine----- *De :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET *Envoyé :* dimanche 25 septembre 2022 22:41 *À :* CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET; *Cc :* German Valdez Aviles; Kevin Blumberg *Objet :* ASO Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting *Date :* mardi 27 septembre 2022 14:00-15:00 (UTC+01:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris. *Où :*
Dear all,
I‘ve received a cancellation of this meeting, I don’t know if it’s the case for everyone.
I resend this invitation to secure the slot.
I will prepare and send the agenda tomorrow.
Kind regards
German Valdez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ASO AC Procedures Review 4th Meeting
Time: Sep 27, 2022 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link:
Meeting ID: 938 5309 4836
Password: 967792
If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number:
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This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you.
participants (2)
Ricardo Patara