Ricardo thanks for your mail!!! I think we can have the voting section ready!!
I was reviewing comments and interactions from our last meeting and there are no big issues open.
I will review wording proposal this week in order to have a final text for our meeting next week.
Please, if somebody have open comments or points to be reviewed about the voting section let me know as soon as possible!!!
Best regards

Esteban Lescano


Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019

Tel: +5411- 6091-1555



El 30 may. 2023, a las 12:13, Ricardo Patara via Procedures <procedures@aso.icann.org> escribió:

Hello. Hope you are all fine!

We are approaching our June meeting and our deadline to send to send texts for EC review.

I will send a reminder to the ASO/AC discuss list also.

Considering the number of EC meetings until our f2f meeting in Kyoto, we might need to take an selective approach. EC will meet in 20th June, 18th July and 15th August

Maybe send EC some of the proposals after our next meeting and then, latter, send the rest.

I think those that adjust questions of quorum are the most urgent:

- Meetings
- ICANN board selection

And then we will be left with the Voting, which is also important but might take more discussion.
This could be send to EC review latter for July or August meeting.

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