Thanks Hervé for your reminder!! I filled it! Regards
Esteban Lescano
Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019
Tel: +5411- 6091-1555
El 18 nov. 2022, a las 12:26, herve.clement@orange.com herve.clement@orange.com escribió:
Dear all,
For those who have not filled in this Doodle could you do it ? 😉 It will be our last common meeting of the year while each sub-working is working on his section.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards
Orange Restricted De : Procedures <procedures-bounces@aso.icann.org mailto:procedures-bounces@aso.icann.org> De la part de German Valdez Aviles Envoyé : lundi 14 novembre 2022 17:55 À : procedures@aso.icann.org mailto:procedures@aso.icann.org Objet : [ASO-PROCEDURES] Doodle: ASO AC Procedures Review Team 4th Meeting
Here is a poll to set the next ASO AC Procedures Review team between 28 Nov thru 9 Dec.
https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bmOXzKEe https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bmOXzKEe
German _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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