Regarding these suggestions.
I understand Esteban comments about creating more legitimacy, but in the other hand, we would be selecting members from a smaller group if compared to RIR community as for example. So, legitimacy might not be a concern at the end. I might be wrong on this though.
One comment I made before: Texts for section number 3 and 4 are identical. Maybe section 4 could removed leaving the call for the section followed by the sub sections (4.1, 4.2 etc)
Specifically to the selection process suggest. One problem I see is that we might have fewer candidates then expected to fulfill chair and vice chairs positions. We had election with one or two candidates in the past (in fact this is the most common scenario as I recall)
On 06/09/22 16:38, Esteban Lescano wrote:
Dear Review Team:
As we agreed in our last working call, I am sending the proposal to modify section 4 (Officers). The idea is to replace current process of vice chair nomination for an election process, similar to the one use to elect the chair. As I mention in the call, this proposal's objetive is to strength ASO AC structure and officers legitimacy. Please, feel free to comment on the proposal. Best regards
Esteban Lescano
Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019
Tel: +5411- 6091-1555
info@lescano-etcheverry.com.ar mailto:info@lescano-etcheverry.com.ar