--Dear German,
Thanks for your help regarding the creation of this dedicated Procedures Review core team mailing.
I’ll try to summarize this week (if possible) the discussions we had within the ASO AC on that subject during the 2 or 3 last years.
If everyone can in // have a look to the current procedures: ASO AC Operating Procedures | The Address Supporting Organization (ASO ICANN)
Our next monthly meeting is planned Wednesday 1st June.
I don’t know if we will have time to define precisely at that date the precise scope of our work but can draw the first lines.
Best regards
De : Procedures <procedures-bounces@aso.icann.org> De la part de German Valdez Aviles
Envoyé : vendredi 20 mai 2022 16:38
À : procedures@aso.icann.org
Cc : Kevin Blumberg <kevinb@thewire.ca>
Objet : [ASO-PROCEDURES] ASO Procedures Review Mailing List Created and Members
This is a new mailing list created for the review of the ASO Procedures
Current members are
Esteban Lescano – LACNIC
Herve Clement - RIPE NCC
James Kennedy - RIPE NCC
Ricardo Patara – LACNIC
Sander Steffann - RIPE NCC
Saul Stein – AFRINIC
Mike Silber – AFRINIC
Laureana Pavon – Secretariat
German Valdez - Secretariat
The mailing list has a public archive and only members can submit to it.
Please let me know of any further adjustment.
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Procedures mailing list