Thank you very much dear Esteban, Ricardo,


I will have a look tomorrow and we can then share with the NRO EC.


Kind regards





Orange Restricted

De : Esteban Lescano <>
Envoyé : vendredi 11 août 2023 22:07
À : Ricardo Patara <>
Cc :
Objet : [ASO-PROCEDURES] Re: Pending redline sections procedures changes


Thanks Ricardo! I agree with your comments, final paragraph in proposed section 8 is wrong and was included by mistake.

I am sending a new version with this paragraph removed!!!

Please, take this version as the final one

Best regards


Esteban Lescano


Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019

Tel: +5411- 6091-1555


El 11 ago. 2023, a las 16:51, Ricardo Patara via Procedures <> escribió:


Hello Esteban,

thanks for the document. it seems well prepared and very clear.

one comment.
there is this stament just before the section 11 in the document:

"Following an ASO AC meeting the Secretariat will send the draft minutes in a timely fashion to the ASO AC for comment."

it seems to be part of other document being edited, can you confirm?

best regards

On 11/08/23 15:48, Esteban Lescano wrote:

Hi Team!
As promised, I am sending you the red line version with proposed changes to sections 7, 8 and 11 (Voting Section).
Please, Hervé, Ricardo or German share it with EC.
Thank you very much
Esteban Lescano
Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019
Tel: +5411- 6091-1555 <>

El 8 ago. 2023, a las 13:30, Esteban Lescano < <>> escribió:

Hi everyone! I can confirm that pending section is related to voting.
I will provide the readline document asap!!!
Thank you
Esteban Lescano


Montevideo 527- Piso 4° y 9° contrafrente

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CP 1019

Tel: +5411- 6091-1555 <> <>

El 8 ago. 2023, a las 13:24, Ricardo Patara via Procedures < <>> escribió:

Hello Hervé,
Yes, it is related to the voting.

Part of the voting update proposed is already incorporated in the Board Seleciton part (I´ve sent).

But there are also other parts of the procedures document where the voting/selection mecanism would receive changes.

Esteban mentioned, during the call, he is working on it


On 08/08/23 10:33, <> wrote:

Thanks German,
The pending document is related to the voting part, isn’t it?
Orange Restricted
*De :*German Valdez Aviles < <>>
*Envoyé :* mardi 8 août 2023 15:08
*À :* <>
*Objet :* [ASO-PROCEDURES] Pending redline sections procedures changes
Just a reminder that the NRO EC will have their monthly teleconference in one week time.
The attached documents are the one they have right now in their possession.
Please could you submit the pending redline sections changes so they can have the full set for their review.
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