A month ago, I sent the request below to the NRO NC and NRO EC members in my region, asking for an update on ICANN's IPv6 Initiative https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en, announced last year. Maybe my message was lost, because I didn't get a reply from any of them. The minutes https://aso.icann.org/meetings/formal-ac-meetings/ from this week's meeting have not been published yet, so maybe it has been discussed.
I strongly suspect that this initiative is completely inactive due to a perceived lack of community interest. It seems to me that the ASO AC is a primary community of interest for it, and I would like the ASO AC to request a regular update from ICANN staff.
Lee Howard
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: ICANN IPv6 initiative update Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 12:35:33 +0000 From: Lee Howard lee.howard@retevia.net To: mcknight.glenn@gmail.com, louie@louie.net, kevinb@thewire.ca, jschiller@google.com, jcurran@istaff.org
That's the last mention I can find of ICANN's IPv6 Initiative. I would like ICANN to provide an update, and I think it's a reasonable request to come from the ALO and ASO. I *could* go directly to Board or staff members I know, but I'd like to have some community engagement on this.
1.a. What percentage of gTLD name servers have working AAAA records and support IPpv6 glue?
1.b. What percentage of Registrars provide WHOIS over IPv6, and accept AAAA record updates via the same system as other records? (I had a registrar who required a phone call to create a AAAA).
1.c. Which ccTLD name servers have working AAAA records? ICANN can report, even if they can't require.
1.d. How does ICANN validate that vendors comply with the IPv6 requirement? When will it be updated to support IPv6-only? Why is it limited to web design, hosting, programming, software and network devices--why not require airline vendors, meeting spaces, caterers, and so on, to enable IPv6 on their web sites (or at least publish their plans for doing so)? For hotels, why doesn't the hotel network remain IPv6-capable after ICANN leaves?
2. What is the status of all of the items listed?
If these items can't be updated constantly, it seems reasonable at least to get a report at ICANN meetings.

On 8 Jun 2018, at 11:38 AM, Lee Howard <lee@asgard.orgmailto:lee@asgard.org> wrote:
A month ago, I sent the request below to the NRO NC and NRO EC members in my region, asking for an update on ICANN's IPv6 Initiativehttps://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en, announced last year. Maybe my message was lost, because I didn't get a reply from any of them. The minuteshttps://aso.icann.org/meetings/formal-ac-meetings/ from this week's meeting have not been published yet, so maybe it has been discussed.
Lee -
The NRO EC has not discussed this matter, but it is not apparent to me that there is any intersection of ICANN’s IPv6 initiative and the ASO (at least as far as I understand the mission of the ASO.)
The purpose of the Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is to review and develop recommendations on Internet Protocol (IP) address policy and to advise the ICANN Board. Much of this work is done by the ASO AC, and under the ICANN ASO Memorandum of Understanding, the ASO AC’s responsibilities include: 1. Undertaking a role in the global policy development process. 2. Defining procedures for the selection of individuals to serve on other ICANN bodies, in particular on the ICANN Board, and implementing any roles assigned to the AC in such procedures. The ASO AC selects ICANN Board seats 9 and 10. 3. Providing advice to the ICANN Board on number resource allocation policy, in conjunction with the RIRs.
The ICANN IPv6 Initiative https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en appears to enjoin specific parties (within ICANN and the DNS community) to get more involved with IPv6. For example, there is a task involving ICANN’s Procurement and operations teams to ensure IPv6 related requirements are met for every relevant procurement process. There is task involving DNS Registries and Registrars to conduct a IPv6 compliance assessment, and there is a task for more ICANN outreach on IPv6 to ccTLD operators.
One particular task is assigned to ICANN’s Research & Development (R&D) department – "Engage in more IPv6 measurement initiatives within our area of activity, and publish regular status updates (DNS and related services).” It would appear that this task is particularly relevant to your query, and I would recommend that you seek out David Conrad, ICANN’s CTO, regarding current status.
I strongly suspect that this initiative is completely inactive due to a perceived lack of community interest. It seems to me that the ASO AC is a primary community of interest for it, and I would like the ASO AC to request a regular update from ICANN staff.
The initiative appears to involve ICANN organization deliverables and primarily the DNS community, not the Internet numbers community. While the Internet numbers community can certainly aid with outreach and providing advice on IPv6 issues if asked, that would still a supporting role to ICANN’s initiative - we do not appear to be the primary community for this initiative.
ICANN should be of its own accord issuing more timely updates to the global Internet community (not to the ASO specifically.) However, I will suggest to the NRO-EC that we ask for the current status of this initiative from ICANN's CEO, and perhaps that will aid with the establishment of more regular reporting from ICANN on this project.
Thanks, /John
John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On 06/08/2018 12:38 PM, John Curran wrote:
On 8 Jun 2018, at 11:38 AM, Lee Howard <lee@asgard.org mailto:lee@asgard.org> wrote:
A month ago, I sent the request below to the NRO NC and NRO EC members in my region, asking for an update on ICANN's IPv6 Initiative https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en, announced last year. Maybe my message was lost, because I didn't get a reply from any of them. The minutes https://aso.icann.org/meetings/formal-ac-meetings/ from this week's meeting have not been published yet, so maybe it has been discussed.
Lee - The NRO EC has not discussed this matter, but it is not apparent to me that there is any intersection of ICANN’s IPv6 initiative and the ASO (at least as far as I understand the mission of the ASO.)
It does not seem to me that asking ICANN for status of a project related to Internet numbers is scope creep. If not the ASO, what path would you suggest for an individual stakeholder requesting accountability from ICANN? I have made the same request of the ALO.
The ICANN IPv6 Initiative https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en appears to enjoin specific parties (within ICANN and the DNS community) to get more involved with IPv6. For example, there is a task involving ICANN’s Procurement and operations teams to ensure IPv6 related requirements are met for every relevant procurement process. There is task involving DNS Registries and Registrars to conduct a IPv6 compliance assessment, and there is a task for more ICANN outreach on IPv6 to ccTLD operators.
Yes, ICANN has told the community that it will do these things. Then what happens?
One particular task is assigned to ICANN’s Research & Development (R&D) department – "Engage in more IPv6 measurement initiatives within our area of activity, and publish regular status updates (DNS and related services).” It would appear that this task is particularly relevant to your query, and I would recommend that you seek out David Conrad, ICANN’s CTO, regarding current status.
I have not asked him whether I can discuss our correspondence in public.
ICANN should be of its own accord issuing more timely updates to the global Internet community (not to the ASO specifically.) However, I will suggest to the NRO-EC that we ask for the current status of this initiative from ICANN's CEO, and perhaps that will aid with the establishment of more regular reporting from ICANN on this project.
That would be great, thank you,

On 8 Jun 2018, at 1:26 PM, Lee Howard <lee@asgard.orgmailto:lee@asgard.org> wrote:
It does not seem to me that asking ICANN for status of a project related to Internet numbers is scope creep. If not the ASO, what path would you suggest for an individual stakeholder requesting accountability from ICANN? I have made the same request of the ALO.
Potential paths to explore - ICANN CTO ICANN CEO ICANN Ombudsman ICANN Board via question at open mic
The ICANN IPv6 Initiative https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/ipv6-initiative-2017-02-28-en appears to enjoin specific parties (within ICANN and the DNS community) to get more involved with IPv6. For example, there is a task involving ICANN’s Procurement and operations teams to ensure IPv6 related requirements are met for every relevant procurement process. There is task involving DNS Registries and Registrars to conduct a IPv6 compliance assessment, and there is a task for more ICANN outreach on IPv6 to ccTLD operators.
Yes, ICANN has told the community that it will do these things. Then what happens?
There are entire working groups dedicated to improving ICANN’s accountability, and it does appear to be an ongoing process…
... That would be great, thank you,
Sure - the Internet numbers community has good reason to want to see regular reporting as well, even if it is not our project or resources involved.
Thanks, /John
participants (2)
John Curran
Lee Howard