On 8/12/07, Son Tran son@apnic.net wrote:
Dear Martin
Many thanks for your feedback on the experience you had in the August telephone conference. We have contacted the service provider and expressed our concern about the service.
To help avoid future problems, we request that all of you wishing to be called by operator provide your phone number to the APNIC Secretariat no less than one day before the teleconference.
Please don't minimize our participation. If the call bridge provider is repeatedly preventing AC members from being able to participate, that's a serious problem.
The problem witht he last call, in my case, was not with a last minute change, but the number the operator was provided with. It was wrong. It seemed apparent that you could have cared less since it took email to the AC list to get it corrected when asking the operator why an acknowledged participant was not on the call.
Your response is unacceptable and I'd like to know what you plan to do to address problems with the conference bridge provider service keeping AC members from participating, both with your apparently non existent secretariat procedures, or, the call quality. Not hearing the call is the same as not participating. If the AC needs to resolve this administrative problem, please let me know and I will begin writing a procedure for you to use.