7 Mar
7 Mar
4:30 a.m.
Dear Colleagues,
I am extremely pleased to report that the Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space has just been ratified by the ICANN Board of Directors unanimously by acclamation.
My congratulations to the IP addressing community. This new global policy is the culmination of work by the whole IP addressing community over 2+ years, initiate by 2 different parties with different goals, with a compromise that was reached to balance the principles that define what is fair and equitable for those people in the established Internet, the growing Internet, and the Internet yet-to-be.
Best regards, Louie ASO AC Chair
Louis Lee louie@equinix.com
NRO Number Council http://www.nro.net/about/number-council.html
ASO Address Council http://aso.icann.org/ac/
On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:49:54PM -0800, Louis Lee wrote:
> Dear ICANN Board Secretary,
> In accordance to the procedures of the ICANN ASO Address Council and
> the ASO MoU (Attachment A, Article 7), with this letter of transmittal,
> I hereby pass on the proposal for "Global Policy for the Allocation of
> the Remaining IPv4 Address Space" for ratification by the ICANN Board
> of Directors. The Address Council has completed a final review of
> this global policy proposal. We have found that:
> 1. the published policy development process of each of the RIRs was
> followed, and
> 2. the significant viewpoints of interested parties were adequately
> considered.
> We ask that the ICANN Board ratifies this global policy proposal in
> fulfillment of Articles 8 and 9 of Attachment A in the ASO MoU by
> following the review procedure developed to handle submissions by
> the ASO Address Council.
> Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. This acknowledgement,
> which we expect to be within one business day of receipt, shall mark
> the beginning of the 60-day window for the Board response to the ASO
> Address Council.
> Communication to the Address Council Chair and members may be directed
> to the NRO Secretariat via email at secretariat@nro.net.
> Best regards,
> Louis Lee
> Chair, ICANN ASO Address Council
> http://aso.icann.org/
> Attached:
> "Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space"
> Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space.doc
> Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space.pdf
> Reference:
> - ASO MoU: http://aso.icann.org/docs/aso-mou2004.html
> - Review Procedure to Handle Policy Proposals Submitted by
> the ASO Address Council in Line with the ASO MoU:
> http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-31may05.htm
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