ICANN and RIR legitimacy studies / Impact of economic sanctions

Dear all,
In Cancun during our last ASO AC working group slot (14th March), we had the opportunity to listen to 2 external presentations. Please find there - the e-mail @ of the presenters - attached the presentation of Jan Aart Scholte and Hortense Jongen - below the description of the report from Farzaneh Badii.
ICANN and RIR legitimacy studies: Scholte, J.A. (Jan Aart) j.a.scholte@fsw.leidenuniv.nlmailto:j.a.scholte@fsw.leidenuniv.nl Hortense Jongen hortense.jongen@gu.semailto:hortense.jongen@gu.se
Farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii@gmail.commailto:farzaneh.badii@gmail.com RIPE NCC commissioned Digital Medusa to study the impact of economic sanctions on Internet infrastructure and connectivity (RIRs and other organizations that operate the Internet) The report also discusses the current compliance mechanisms as well as the appropriate regulatory and policy forums to discuss sanctions. I will take 5 mins to brief you on the study outcome and the key points.
Best regards
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