Please find below a draft. It is posted in Confluence as well for any suggestions or edits.
RIR Policy Updates:
All 2021 ICANN events were virtual, and the ASO AC did not formally participate in an ICANN meetings. An updated slide deck was provided with updates on the ASO AC but previous informational sessions were not provided. ASO AC members did provide updates to their respective RIR communities during 2021.
Mailing Lists, Teleconferences and WIKI
The mailing lists as set out in the ASO AC procedures were utilized in the correct manner. The public lists contain the majority of information and private lists are being used for the intended purposes.
All the teleconferences during the 2021 year were open and published on the ASO AC website.
A consistent Wiki is being utilized for document sharing and as a work space. This replaced the ad-hoc solutions utilized previously. A work plan item to review the contents of the Wiki and mark items for public disclosure should be included.
ICANN Board Joint Meeting:
The ASO AC, NRO EC and ICANN Board had no formal meeting during the 2021 calendar year.
A joint session would be prudent, even without an explicit issue, to provide a refresh to the ICANN Board of the current work and objectives of the ASO AC.
ICANN Board Election Process Review
The ASO AC updated our procedures to address concerns related to in-person requirements and focused on allowing video interviews.
All ASO AC members were given the opportunity to observe the QRC and IC mailing lists as well as video interviews.
Global Policy Procedure Review
A review of the Global Policy procedures was conducted by the ASO AC and included representatives from the RIR’s.
A more comprehensive review of GPDP is to take an in depth look at the existing procedure as defined in ASO-AC Operating Procedures is recommended to:
1. Correct any discrepancies between the ASO AC procedures and the ICANN-ASO MoU (Attachment A)https://aso.icann.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ASO-MoU-Executed-Nov-7-2019.pdf. 2. Determine whether the GPDP is serving the purpose to facilitate the Global Policy for numbers community. 3. Determine if changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the GPDP as defined in the operating procedures.
Kevin Blumberg
participants (1)
Kevin Blumberg