Draft Agenda: ASO AC 7 February 2024 Teleconference

Here is a general scheme for agenda of this week teleconference.
Feel free to add any changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes January 2024 5. ICP-2 Update 6. ICANN Seat 9 election update 7. ICANN 79 f2f Meeting 8. AOB 9. Closed Session a) ICANN Board Interview Phase 10. Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 240110-1: Hervé C., Nicole C., Ricardo P., and Esteban L. to prepare a first version of the agenda for the Montevideo meeting and share it on the mailing list so it can then be consolidated with any additional information received with the documents from the legal team. New Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. New Action Item 240110-3: The Interview Committee (IC) to report back to the mailing list on a proposed timeline / dates for special meetings to discuss the ICANN Board Seat 9 election. New Action Item 240110-4: The ASO AC to review the 2023 ASO Work Plan Review that was shared via the mailing list. If no comments are received within seven days, the 2023 ASO Work Plan Review will be considered approved. New Action Item 240110-5: The ASO AC to review the 2024 ASO Work Plan that was shared via the mailing list. If no comments are received within seven days, the 2024 ASO Work Plan will be considered approved. New Action Item 240110-6: Kevin B. to include a line re the closed sessions in the 2023 Transparency Review and circulate the new version of the document on the ASO AC mailing list, then share the original MS Word docs with the Secretariat so they can be posted to Confluence. The ASO AC to review the 2023 Transparency Review shared via the mailing list, including attendance records and personal information. If no comments are received within seven days, the 2023 ASO Transparency Review will be considered approved. Action item 20230911-1: As soon as the period for candidate acceptance closes (15 December), the ASO AC to set up times for special meetings for deliberating after the last round of interviews with the candidates to the ICANN Board. ONGOINGAction item 20230911-3: Each ICANN AC member to read and review historical documents (questionnaires, reports, etc.) related to the ICANN Board elections to obtain a better understanding of what needs to be changed. ONGOING
Zoom Details:
Topic: 20234 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: 7 February, 2024 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335 Password: 739543 If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60
participants (1)
German Valdez Aviles