Draft Agenda and Open Actions 5 June 2019 Teleconference

Please send your comments/inupt for the draft agenda.
DRAFT Agenda ASO AC 5 June 2019
0 Welcome 1 Roll Call 2 Agenda Review 3 Review May 2019 Minutes 4 Review Open Actions 5 Implementation AC-DISCUSS and AC-INTERNAL lists 6 Mock Election - Schulze Election 7 ICANN 65 8 AOB 9 Adjourn
Open Actions
NEW Action Item 190515-01: GV to run mock election using the Schulze Method and report back to the ASO AC. NEW Action Item 190515-02: AS to draft text on subscriptions and posting rights for ac-discuss to be posted on the subscription page and welcome message. NEW Action Item 190515-03: GV to ask the NRO EC to define which RIR staff should have posting privileges for the new publicly archived ac-discuss mailing list. NEW Action Item 190515-04: AS, KB, JV and BJ to draft and circulate text on expected time commitments for the ASO’s NomCom representative and, subsequently, launch a call for volunteers from the Numbers community to fill this position. ACTION ITEM 190403-2: GV to investigate whether Zoom Conferencing would work for future (public) ASO AC teleconferences and report back to the mailing list ACTION ITEM 190311-5: GV to send a final mail to the ac-coord list noting that the list would soon be closed and that members should sign up to the new ac-discuss list ACTION ITEM 190311-6: AS/KB/JV to propose text for the new mailing list footers and circulate to the mailing list for a 10-day review period ACTION ITEM 190311-8: AS to re-circulate the text relating to the ASO AC’s F2F meeting on the mailing list for further discussion>
ASO AC 2019 Teleconference Wednesday 5 June 2019 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join WebEx meeting https://apnic.webex.com/apnic/j.php?MTID=mc1ab257b5dfb19526ff8b9089a5b7d8e
Meeting number: 574 580 692 Meeting password: asoac
Join by phone Global call-in numbers
Access code: 574 580 692
German Valdez
participants (1)
German Valdez