Draft Agenda and Open Actions Wednesday 7 August Teleconference

This is a first draft agenda for this week teleconference, please feel free to send additions or suggest changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review July 2019 Minutes 4. Review Open Actions 5. Implementation ASO AC Teleconference Open for Observers 6. ICANN NomCom ASO AC Representative Election 7. AOB 8. Adjourn
NEW Action Item 190703-1: KB to send notes to the ac-discuss mailing list regarding audit committee and vote verification methods that were discussed during the ICANN 65 Meeting. NEW Action Item 190703-2: GV/AS/KB to draft a list of system requirements etc. for Zoom and to test browser cookie requirements. NEW Action Item 190703-3: AS to circulate the draft text on subscriptions and posting rights for ac-discuss to the ac-discuss mailing list for a seven day comment period. NEW Action Item 190703-4: ALL to review the draft text on subscriptions and posting rights for ac-discuss during the seven day comment period. NEW Action Item 190703-5: GV to send the final list of ICANN NomCom nominees to the ac-internal mailing list on 28 July for discussion. NEW Action Item 190311-6: GV to draft logistical issues regarding opening the ASO AC teleconferences for observers and send to ASO AC Chairs for feedback. NEW Action Item 190311-7: AS to discuss with the Co-Chairs text for clarification on who speaks on behalf of the ASO AC, which will be added to the ASO website. Action Item 190515-02: AS to draft text on subscriptions and posting rights for ac-discuss to be posted on the subscription page and welcome message Action Item 190515-03: GV to ask the NRO EC to define which RIR staff should have posting privileges for the new publicly archived ac-discuss mailing list Action Item 190515-04: AS, KB, JV and BJ to draft and circulate text on expected time commitments for the ASO’s NomCom representative and, subsequently, launch a call for volunteers from the Numbers community to fill this position
ASO AC 2019 Teleconference Wednesday 7 August 2019 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/735574919
Meeting ID: 735 574 919
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abv6v2k00E
participants (1)
German Valdez