Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO

Dear ASO AC colleagues,
For those who wouldn't have received the following, Goran is stepping down as CEO.
Regards, Hervé
Orange Restricted De : Aso-chairs aso-chairs-bounces@aso.icann.org De la part de David Olive via SO-AC-SG-CLeaders Envoyé : jeudi 22 décembre 2022 00:55 À : so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org Objet : Re: [Aso-chairs] [ICANN Community Leaders] Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO
Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO 21 December 2022 ________________________________
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announces that the Board of Directors has accepted Göran Marby's resignation as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Marby's departure is effective immediately.
"On behalf of the Board I'd like to thank Göran for his leadership over the past six-and-a-half years. He served during a critical time in ICANN's history," said ICANN Board Chair Tripti Sinha. "He was instrumental in leading ICANN organization (org) through the final phase of the IANA stewardship transition from the U.S. Government and in setting a solid vision for ICANN's next chapter. He also championed ICANN's efforts to serve the Internet users of the world through the creation of the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group and Domain Abuse Activity Reporting project to mitigate threats to the Domain Name System, as well as the Coalition for Digital Africa to bring together like-minded partners to expand the Internet in Africa."
Among Marby's many notable achievementshttps://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/goran-marby-accomplishments-21-12-2022-en.pdf:
* Leading ICANN through the COVID-19 global pandemic for which there was no roadmap. * Strengthening and evolving the ICANN org culture, resulting in 90% positive engagement survey responses across the staff in 2022. * Creating the Operational Design Phase - a mechanism to perform an assessment of Generic Names Supporting Organization(GNSO) Council policy recommendations to provide the Board with relevant information for its deliberations on whether to approve said recommendations. * Championing efforts to monitor and mitigate DNS security threats. * Successfully engaging with governments around the world to protect ICANN and gain independence to create policies. * Creating initiatives to provide greater access to the Internet for users around the world.
At the request of the Board, Marby will be available to consult with ICANN until May 23, 2024, to support the transition to a new leader, as well as to advise the Board on any issue they require.
"I'm extremely proud of the work we have done together with the ICANN community and Board.
ICANN org has designed the implementation strategies for several critical initiatives that will shape the future for ICANN and the Internet users of the world," said Marby. "I am also keenly aware that these are long-term initiatives for which leadership continuity is essential. The next President and CEO will shepherd the next phase of this work."
The ICANN Board will convene its search for a new CEO at the start of 2023. Sally Costerton, ICANN Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement, has been named as Interim President and CEO. "I'm grateful to Sally for agreeing to take on this extra assignment to provide continuity and leadership," noted Sinha.
For a high-resolution image of Tripti Sinha, please visit herehttps://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chair-2022-09-22-en.
For more information about Sally Costerton, please visit herehttps://www.icann.org/profiles/177.
For a high-resolution image of Costerton, please visit herehttps://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/sally-costerton-21-12-2022-en.jpg.
Sent from my iPhone
David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Managing Director ICANN Washington Office Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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Hi Herve and friends,
Any reasons why Mr Marby steps down ?
Regards, Gaurav Kansal
On 22-Dec-2022, at 20:45, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:
Dear ASO AC colleagues,
For those who wouldn’t have received the following, Goran is stepping down as CEO.
Regards, Hervé
Orange Restricted De : Aso-chairs <aso-chairs-bounces@aso.icann.org mailto:aso-chairs-bounces@aso.icann.org> De la part de David Olive via SO-AC-SG-CLeaders Envoyé : jeudi 22 décembre 2022 00:55 À : so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org mailto:so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org Objet : Re: [Aso-chairs] [ICANN Community Leaders] Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO
Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO
21 December 2022 The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announces that the Board of Directors has accepted Göran Marby’s resignation as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Marby’s departure is effective immediately.
“On behalf of the Board I’d like to thank Göran for his leadership over the past six-and-a-half years. He served during a critical time in ICANN’s history,” said ICANN Board Chair Tripti Sinha. “He was instrumental in leading ICANN organization (org) through the final phase of the IANA stewardship transition from the U.S. Government and in setting a solid vision for ICANN’s next chapter. He also championed ICANN’s efforts to serve the Internet users of the world through the creation of the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group and Domain Abuse Activity Reporting project to mitigate threats to the Domain Name System, as well as the Coalition for Digital Africa to bring together like-minded partners to expand the Internet in Africa.”
Among Marby’s many notable achievements https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/goran-marby-accomplishments-21-12-2022-en.pdf:
Leading ICANN through the COVID-19 global pandemic for which there was no roadmap. Strengthening and evolving the ICANN org culture, resulting in 90% positive engagement survey responses across the staff in 2022. Creating the Operational Design Phase – a mechanism to perform an assessment of Generic Names Supporting Organization(GNSO) Council policy recommendations to provide the Board with relevant information for its deliberations on whether to approve said recommendations. Championing efforts to monitor and mitigate DNS security threats. Successfully engaging with governments around the world to protect ICANN and gain independence to create policies. Creating initiatives to provide greater access to the Internet for users around the world. At the request of the Board, Marby will be available to consult with ICANN until May 23, 2024, to support the transition to a new leader, as well as to advise the Board on any issue they require.
“I’m extremely proud of the work we have done together with the ICANN community and Board.
ICANN org has designed the implementation strategies for several critical initiatives that will shape the future for ICANN and the Internet users of the world,” said Marby. “I am also keenly aware that these are long-term initiatives for which leadership continuity is essential. The next President and CEO will shepherd the next phase of this work.”
The ICANN Board will convene its search for a new CEO at the start of 2023. Sally Costerton, ICANN Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement, has been named as Interim President and CEO. “I’m grateful to Sally for agreeing to take on this extra assignment to provide continuity and leadership,” noted Sinha.
For a high-resolution image of Tripti Sinha, please visit here https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chair-2022-09-22-en.
For more information about Sally Costerton, please visit here https://www.icann.org/profiles/177.
For a high-resolution image of Costerton, please visit here https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/sally-costerton-21-12-2022-en.jpg.
Sent from my iPhone
David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Managing Director ICANN Washington Office Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
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Hi Gaurav
No reason given and the rumors are out there - but nothing definite.
On Fri, 23 Dec 2022 at 07:16, Gaurav Kansal gaurav.kansal@nic.in wrote:
Hi Herve and friends,
Any reasons why Mr Marby steps down ?
Regards, Gaurav Kansal
On 22-Dec-2022, at 20:45, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:
Dear ASO AC colleagues,
For those who wouldn’t have received the following, Goran is stepping down as CEO.
Regards, Hervé
Orange Restricted *De :* Aso-chairs aso-chairs-bounces@aso.icann.org *De la part de* David Olive via SO-AC-SG-CLeaders *Envoyé :* jeudi 22 décembre 2022 00:55 *À :* so-ac-sg-cleaders@icann.org *Objet :* Re: [Aso-chairs] [ICANN Community Leaders] Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO
Göran Marby Steps Down as ICANN President and CEO
*21 December 2022*
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announces that the Board of Directors has accepted Göran Marby’s resignation as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Marby’s departure is effective immediately.
“On behalf of the Board I’d like to thank Göran for his leadership over the past six-and-a-half years. He served during a critical time in ICANN’s history,” said ICANN Board Chair Tripti Sinha. “He was instrumental in leading ICANN organization (org) through the final phase of the IANA stewardship transition from the U.S. Government and in setting a solid vision for ICANN’s next chapter. He also championed ICANN’s efforts to serve the Internet users of the world through the creation of the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group and Domain Abuse Activity Reporting project to mitigate threats to the Domain Name System, as well as the Coalition for Digital Africa to bring together like-minded partners to expand the Internet in Africa.”
Among Marby’s many notable achievements https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/goran-marby-accomplishments-21-12-2022-en.pdf :
- Leading ICANN through the COVID-19 global pandemic for which there
was no roadmap.
- Strengthening and evolving the ICANN org culture, resulting in 90%
positive engagement survey responses across the staff in 2022.
- Creating the Operational Design Phase – a mechanism to perform an
assessment of Generic Names Supporting Organization(GNSO) Council policy recommendations to provide the Board with relevant information for its deliberations on whether to approve said recommendations.
- Championing efforts to monitor and mitigate DNS security threats.
- Successfully engaging with governments around the world to protect
ICANN and gain independence to create policies.
- Creating initiatives to provide greater access to the Internet for
users around the world.
At the request of the Board, Marby will be available to consult with ICANN until May 23, 2024, to support the transition to a new leader, as well as to advise the Board on any issue they require.
“I’m extremely proud of the work we have done together with the ICANN community and Board.
ICANN org has designed the implementation strategies for several critical initiatives that will shape the future for ICANN and the Internet users of the world,” said Marby. “I am also keenly aware that these are long-term initiatives for which leadership continuity is essential. The next President and CEO will shepherd the next phase of this work.”
The ICANN Board will convene its search for a new CEO at the start of 2023. Sally Costerton, ICANN Senior Advisor to the President and Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder Engagement, has been named as Interim President and CEO. “I’m grateful to Sally for agreeing to take on this extra assignment to provide continuity and leadership,” noted Sinha.
For a high-resolution image of Tripti Sinha, please visit here https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/chair-2022-09-22-en.
For more information about Sally Costerton, please visit here https://www.icann.org/profiles/177.
For a high-resolution image of Costerton, please visit here https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/president-and-chief-executive-officer-ceo-update/sally-costerton-21-12-2022-en.jpg .
Sent from my iPhone
*David A. Olive* *Senior Vice President * Policy Development Support *Managing Director * ICANN Washington Office Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss
https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/ https://www.g20.org/
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss
participants (3)
Gaurav Kansal
Mike Silber