Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference

I’m attaching minutes and open actions for your review.
Updated Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. Update: Nick N. to share suggested dates for ASO AC monthly meetings to work on the ICP-2 review via email to the list. ONGOING
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed. OPEN
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING
Updated Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. Update: Germán V. to draft an email to the NRO EC formalizing the request for a f2f meeting of the ASO AC during ICANN 82 (Istanbul), as well as a request to send a small delegation of the ASO AC to the AIS in September (if applicable), share the draft via the mailing list for comments and approval, then send it to the EC on behalf of the ASO AC. ONGOING
Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Germán Valdez

Hi German, Laureana,
Thanks for the notes and action item recalls.
To answer "Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING":
Please find below a proposal of the ICP-2-related docs that could be posted :
* ICP-2 current version * ASO MoUs * NRO request to ASO AC for help with ICP-2 * ASO AC response * ICP-2 work timeline * .....
Happy to discuss it further.
Best regards
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : mercredi 8 mai 2024 10:30 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference
Dear ASO AC I'm attaching minutes and open actions for your review.
Updated Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. Update: Nick N. to share suggested dates for ASO AC monthly meetings to work on the ICP-2 review via email to the list. ONGOING
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed. OPEN
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING
Updated Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. Update: Germán V. to draft an email to the NRO EC formalizing the request for a f2f meeting of the ASO AC during ICANN 82 (Istanbul), as well as a request to send a small delegation of the ASO AC to the AIS in September (if applicable), share the draft via the mailing list for comments and approval, then send it to the EC on behalf of the ASO AC. ONGOING
Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Germán Valdez ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
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Unless there is any concern, the Secretariat will prepare a new ASO section with this information before the end of this week
From: herve.clement@orange.com herve.clement@orange.com Date: Friday, 10 May 2024 at 11:53 PM To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Cc: German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Subject: RE: Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference Hi German, Laureana,
Thanks for the notes and action item recalls.
To answer “Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING”:
Please find below a proposal of the ICP-2-related docs that could be posted :
* ICP-2 current version * ASO MoUs * NRO request to ASO AC for help with ICP-2 * ASO AC response * ICP-2 work timeline * …..
Happy to discuss it further.
Best regards
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : mercredi 8 mai 2024 10:30 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference
Dear ASO AC I’m attaching minutes and open actions for your review.
Updated Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. Update: Nick N. to share suggested dates for ASO AC monthly meetings to work on the ICP-2 review via email to the list. ONGOING
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed. OPEN
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING
Updated Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. Update: Germán V. to draft an email to the NRO EC formalizing the request for a f2f meeting of the ASO AC during ICANN 82 (Istanbul), as well as a request to send a small delegation of the ASO AC to the AIS in September (if applicable), share the draft via the mailing list for comments and approval, then send it to the EC on behalf of the ASO AC. ONGOING
Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Germán Valdez
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Thank you.

Hi German,
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : lundi 13 mai 2024 12:10 À : CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET herve.clement@orange.com; ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : Re: Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference
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Unless there is any concern, the Secretariat will prepare a new ASO section with this information before the end of this week
From: herve.clement@orange.commailto:herve.clement@orange.com <herve.clement@orange.commailto:herve.clement@orange.com> Date: Friday, 10 May 2024 at 11:53 PM To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org <ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org> Cc: German Valdez Aviles <german@apnic.netmailto:german@apnic.net> Subject: RE: Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference Hi German, Laureana,
Thanks for the notes and action item recalls.
To answer “Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING”:
Please find below a proposal of the ICP-2-related docs that could be posted :
* ICP-2 current version * ASO MoUs * NRO request to ASO AC for help with ICP-2 * ASO AC response * ICP-2 work timeline * …..
Happy to discuss it further.
Best regards
De : German Valdez Aviles <german@apnic.netmailto:german@apnic.net> Envoyé : mercredi 8 mai 2024 10:30 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: ASO AC 1 May 2024 Teleconference
Dear ASO AC I’m attaching minutes and open actions for your review.
Updated Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. Update: Nick N. to share suggested dates for ASO AC monthly meetings to work on the ICP-2 review via email to the list. ONGOING
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed. OPEN
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website. ONGOING
Updated Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. Update: Germán V. to draft an email to the NRO EC formalizing the request for a f2f meeting of the ASO AC during ICANN 82 (Istanbul), as well as a request to send a small delegation of the ASO AC to the AIS in September (if applicable), share the draft via the mailing list for comments and approval, then send it to the EC on behalf of the ASO AC. ONGOING
Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Germán Valdez
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participants (2)
German Valdez Aviles