ASO AC Chair Election Schedule

As per action item: New Action Item 191113-9: GV to circulate the draft ASO AC Chair Election timeline and to ask those regions that have not yet appointed members to do so as soon as possible.
The ASO AC Chair election time is prescribed in our procedures section 4.4 but I'd like to highlight the following key points:
- Nomination Call will be made on December 1st. - Persons who will be members of the 2020 ASO AC are eligible. - Self nominations are permitted. - All nominations should be seconded. - By procedures the election process will be conducted in the AC-INTERNAL list - Confirmation of each nominee's participation should be posted to the AC-INTERNAL list by December 31st. - Details of the election schedule should be agreed upon in next week's teleconference (4 December). The topic will be added to the agenda. - Election can't be open more than 7 calendar days. - January teleconference should respond to the election days so we have a elected 2020 chair on place.
I understand Martin Hannigan and Mike Silber will be the 2 new ASO AC members for 2020 and are now subscribed. Please advise if I'm mistaken on this matter
Any question please let me know.
German Valdez
4.4. Procedure for Election of ASO AC Chair and Vice Chairs
4.4.1. Chair and Vice-chair Term Limits
The chair and vice-chairs are selected for a term of one year. The chair and vice-chairs terms will extend through the first meeting of the new year if a new chair has not been selected. The chair will be ineligible to serve as chair for one year after completing five consecutive one year terms. The Chair will be ineligible to serve as vice-chair for one year after completing one or more one year terms. The vice-chairs will be ineligible to serve as vice-chair for one year after completing five consecutive one year terms. Fractional terms of 6 months or longer will be counted a completing a one year term.
4.4.2. Election of Chair
A person who is or will be a member of the ASO AC in a particular year is: – eligible to become Chair in that year provided he or she has not exceeded the term limit in section 4.4.1. – notwithstanding the fact that the procedure for electing the Chair begins during the preceding year.
4.4.3. Appointment of Vice Chairs
The newly elected Chair shall appoint two ASO AC members to be Vice Chairs. To be appointed, each of the appointees shall: (a) First, accept the appointment; and (b) Be from a different region to the other appointee and to the Chair; and (c) has not exceeded the term limit in section 4.4.1.
4.4.4. Election Procedure for Chair
(a) The Secretary of the NRO EC shall oversee the conduct of the election. (b) Nominations for the positions of Chair for a particular year shall be posted on a private ASO AC mailing list no earlier than 00:00 UTC on 1 December and no later than 24:00 UTC on 14 December of the preceding year. Self-nominations are allowed. Nominations must be seconded by another eligible voter. Confirmation of interest from nominated candidates must be posted on a private ASO AC mailing list no later than 31 December at 24:00 UTC. (c) At its December meeting, the council shall establish the days and times for the opening and closing of the polls for the purpose of electing the chair of the council. The polls shall not be kept open for more than seven (7) calendar days. Within three (3) calendar days after the polls have closed, the winner of the election will be announced. Records of how each AC member voted will be kept secret. The candidate receiving the most votes is elected Chair. (d) In the event of a tie, there shall be a second round of electronic voting, in which the candidates are those who tied for first place during the first round. The list of candidates and the days and times of the opening and closing of the polls shall be announced.
4.4.5. Casual Vacancy
If the Chair resigns or is removed from his or her position on the ASO AC at any time during the term, the Vice Chairs shall designate one of them as the acting Chair, as between themselves, within 7 days. In the absence of agreement between the two Vice Chairs, the acting Chair shall be decided by lot within 7 days. An election to fill the position of the Chair for the remaining term shall be completed within 30 days of the casual vacancy occurring. The election shall be overseen by the NRO Secretary.--

On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 2:00 PM German Valdez wrote:
Mike Silber will be the 2 new ASO AC members for 2020 and are now subscribed.
Thanks German
Please advise if I'm mistaken on this matter
And FWIW, as per the previous AfriNIC NRO NC/ASO AC election, Mike Silber was elected for a three-year term, from January 2020 to December 2022. [1].
He will basically be replacing our colleague Omo Oaiya.
Noah [1]

Welcome Mike and Martin on board. And thank you Omo for your constructive contribution !
Best regards
De : [] De la part de Noah Envoyé : jeudi 28 novembre 2019 12:33 À : German Valdez Cc : Objet : Re: [AC-DISCUSS] ASO AC Chair Election Schedule
On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 2:00 PM German Valdez <> wrote: Mike Silber will be the 2 new ASO AC members for 2020 and are now subscribed.
Thanks German Please advise if I'm mistaken on this matter
And FWIW, as per the previous AfriNIC NRO NC/ASO AC election, Mike Silber was elected for a three-year term, from January 2020 to December 2022. [1].
He will basically be replacing our colleague Omo Oaiya.
Noah [1]
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participants (3)
German Valdez