Draft Agenda ASO AC Teleconference 1 December 2021

Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to send topics or request changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of Minutes - November 2021
4. Review Open Actions 5. 2021 Work Plan Activity Review
6. 2022 ASO AC Work Plan 7. Annual Transparency Review 8. ASO AC Chair Election Schedule 9. 2022 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
10. 2021 ASO AC Appointments Review
11. ASO AC Meeting 2022
12. RIR Reports
a) AFRINIC 34 Report
b) RIPE 83 Meeting
13. AOB
1. Farewell leaving members 2. ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Status (closed session) 3. Observers Interview Committee (closed session)
14 . Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 211103-1: The ASO AC to have a 14-day period to discuss the redline version of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development) sent by KB to the mailing list on 3 November 2021. GV to open a vote 14 days from today so that the results will be ready before the December ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-2: GV to circulate the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review prepared by HC in December for approval during the January 2022 ASO AC meeting,
New Action Item 211103-3: SSt and JK to work on a draft 2022 ASO AC Work Plan and circulate it to the list. Include this as an agenda item for the January ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-4: KB and SSa to work on the Annual Transparency Review and circulate it to the mailing list.
New Action Item 211103-5: Prior to the January ASO AC meeting, GV to review the RIR event schedule with an eye out for hybrid/face-to-face meetings during the first part of the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2021 Teleconference Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/99863209487?pwd=enQvWGlXcjJOMDZQMFFmOGRBNXJ4QT09
Meeting ID: 998 6320 9487 Password: 233064

Dear all,
Please find in advance of our today meeting 2 links dedicated to the last RIPE 83:
https://ripe83.ripe.net/programme/report/#fri - Daily meeting reports
https://ripe83.ripe.net/archives/ - All archived presentations
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org De la part de German Valdez Envoyé : lundi 29 novembre 2021 09:44 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda ASO AC Teleconference 1 December 2021
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to send topics or request changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of Minutes - November 2021
4. Review Open Actions 5. 2021 Work Plan Activity Review
6. 2022 ASO AC Work Plan 7. Annual Transparency Review 8. ASO AC Chair Election Schedule 9. 2022 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
10. 2021 ASO AC Appointments Review
11. ASO AC Meeting 2022
12. RIR Reports
a) AFRINIC 34 Report
b) RIPE 83 Meeting
13. AOB
1. Farewell leaving members 2. ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Status (closed session) 3. Observers Interview Committee (closed session)
14 . Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 211103-1: The ASO AC to have a 14-day period to discuss the redline version of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development) sent by KB to the mailing list on 3 November 2021. GV to open a vote 14 days from today so that the results will be ready before the December ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-2: GV to circulate the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review prepared by HC in December for approval during the January 2022 ASO AC meeting,
New Action Item 211103-3: SSt and JK to work on a draft 2022 ASO AC Work Plan and circulate it to the list. Include this as an agenda item for the January ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-4: KB and SSa to work on the Annual Transparency Review and circulate it to the mailing list.
New Action Item 211103-5: Prior to the January ASO AC meeting, GV to review the RIR event schedule with an eye out for hybrid/face-to-face meetings during the first part of the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2021 Teleconference Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/99863209487?pwd=enQvWGlXcjJOMDZQMFFmOGRBNXJ4QT09
Meeting ID: 998 6320 9487 Password: 233064
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HI all, Sorry, but an urgent work meeting has come up, will try be there for the first 20min, but can't guarantee. Sorry about the short notice.
Thanks Saul
From: AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org On Behalf Of herve.clement@orange.com Sent: Wednesday, 01 December 2021 12:56 To: German Valdez german@apnic.net; ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda ASO AC Teleconference 1 December 2021
Dear all,
Please find in advance of our today meeting 2 links dedicated to the last RIPE 83:
https://ripe83.ripe.net/programme/report/#fri - Daily meeting reports
https://ripe83.ripe.net/archives/ - All archived presentations
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : AC-DISCUSS <ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org> De la part de German Valdez Envoyé : lundi 29 novembre 2021 09:44 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda ASO AC Teleconference 1 December 2021
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to send topics or request changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of Minutes - November 2021
4. Review Open Actions 5. 2021 Work Plan Activity Review
6. 2022 ASO AC Work Plan 7. Annual Transparency Review 8. ASO AC Chair Election Schedule 9. 2022 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
10. 2021 ASO AC Appointments Review
11. ASO AC Meeting 2022
12. RIR Reports
a) AFRINIC 34 Report
b) RIPE 83 Meeting
13. AOB
1. Farewell leaving members 2. ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Status (closed session) 3. Observers Interview Committee (closed session)
14 . Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 211103-1: The ASO AC to have a 14-day period to discuss the redline version of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development) sent by KB to the mailing list on 3 November 2021. GV to open a vote 14 days from today so that the results will be ready before the December ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-2: GV to circulate the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review prepared by HC in December for approval during the January 2022 ASO AC meeting,
New Action Item 211103-3: SSt and JK to work on a draft 2022 ASO AC Work Plan and circulate it to the list. Include this as an agenda item for the January ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-4: KB and SSa to work on the Annual Transparency Review and circulate it to the mailing list.
New Action Item 211103-5: Prior to the January ASO AC meeting, GV to review the RIR event schedule with an eye out for hybrid/face-to-face meetings during the first part of the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2021 Teleconference Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/99863209487?pwd=enQvWGlXcjJOMDZQMFFmOGRBNXJ4QT09
Meeting ID: 998 6320 9487 Password: 233064
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Thank you.

I was working with a customer the whole day so I was not able to attend.
My apologies Sander
Op 1 dec. 2021 om 11:56 heeft herve.clement@orange.com het volgende geschreven:
Dear all,
Please find in advance of our today meeting 2 links dedicated to the last RIPE 83: https://ripe83.ripe.net/programme/report/#fri – Daily meeting reports https://ripe83.ripe.net/archives/ - All archived presentations
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org De la part de German Valdez Envoyé : lundi 29 novembre 2021 09:44 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda ASO AC Teleconference 1 December 2021
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to send topics or request changes.
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Agenda Review
- Approval of Minutes - November 2021
- Review Open Actions
- 2021 Work Plan Activity Review
- 2022 ASO AC Work Plan
- Annual Transparency Review
- ASO AC Chair Election Schedule
- 2022 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
- 2021 ASO AC Appointments Review
- ASO AC Meeting 2022
- RIR Reports
a) AFRINIC 34 Report b) RIPE 83 Meeting 13. AOB Farewell leaving members ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Status (closed session) Observers Interview Committee (closed session) 14 . Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 211103-1: The ASO AC to have a 14-day period to discuss the redline version of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development) sent by KB to the mailing list on 3 November 2021. GV to open a vote 14 days from today so that the results will be ready before the December ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-2: GV to circulate the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review prepared by HC in December for approval during the January 2022 ASO AC meeting,
New Action Item 211103-3: SSt and JK to work on a draft 2022 ASO AC Work Plan and circulate it to the list. Include this as an agenda item for the January ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-4: KB and SSa to work on the Annual Transparency Review and circulate it to the mailing list.
New Action Item 211103-5: Prior to the January ASO AC meeting, GV to review the RIR event schedule with an eye out for hybrid/face-to-face meetings during the first part of the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2021 Teleconference Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/99863209487?pwd=enQvWGlXcjJOMDZQMFFmOGRBNXJ4QT09
Meeting ID: 998 6320 9487 Password: 233064
Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. _______________________________________________ AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss

Tried to observe in a train but I couldn’t mute my speaker :-| . I will join again in 10 minutes. Thanks.
On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 17:44 German Valdez german@apnic.net wrote:
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to send topics or request changes.
Roll Call
Agenda Review
Approval of Minutes - November 2021
Review Open Actions
2021 Work Plan Activity Review
2022 ASO AC Work Plan
Annual Transparency Review
ASO AC Chair Election Schedule
2022 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
2021 ASO AC Appointments Review
ASO AC Meeting 2022
RIR Reports
a) AFRINIC 34 Report
b) RIPE 83 Meeting
Farewell leaving members
ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Status (closed session)
Observers Interview Committee (closed session)
14 . Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 211103-1: The ASO AC to have a 14-day period to discuss the redline version of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development) sent by KB to the mailing list on 3 November 2021. GV to open a vote 14 days from today so that the results will be ready before the December ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-2: GV to circulate the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review prepared by HC in December for approval during the January 2022 ASO AC meeting,
New Action Item 211103-3: SSt and JK to work on a draft 2022 ASO AC Work Plan and circulate it to the list. Include this as an agenda item for the January ASO AC meeting.
New Action Item 211103-4: KB and SSa to work on the Annual Transparency Review and circulate it to the mailing list.
New Action Item 211103-5: Prior to the January ASO AC meeting, GV to review the RIR event schedule with an eye out for hybrid/face-to-face meetings during the first part of the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2021 Teleconference
Time: Dec 1, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 6320 9487
Password: 233064
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss
participants (5)
German Valdez
Sander Steffann
Saul Stein