Minutes: ASO AC 20 May 2020 Teleconference
I'm attaching minutes of yesterday teleconference for your perusa.
Please note we have some sort of urgent work related to the 2021 ICANN NomCom nomination before the June teleconference in 2 week time.
I'll be sending in the coming hours to the AC-INTERNAL list the record (notes format) of the closed session regarding the changes to the ICANN Board Selection Procedures.
German Valdez
New action items from this meeting:
New Action Item 200520-1 All ASO AC members to review what information should be asked to the ASO ICANN NomCom candidates. Topic to be discussed in the 3 June 2020 ASO AC teleconference and the results be included in the 2021 Nomination Call for ASO Representative to ICANN NomCom.
New Action Item 200520-2 AS to consult with ICANN NomCom the new time commitment for the ASO NomCom representative. Information to be published in the 2021 ICANN NomCom Call for Nomination announcement.
New Action Item 200520-3 AS to inform ICANN NomCom that the appointment of the ASO delegate to the 2021 ICANN NomCom would be around the 2nd week of July.
participants (1)
German Valdez