FW: Minutes and Open Action 4 September 2019 Meeting

Just a friendly reminder of the draft minutes and open actions to be reviewed in next week teleconference.
On 11/9/19, 10:44 am, "ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of German Valdez" <ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of german@apnic.net> wrote:
Dear AC
Apologies for the delay. Here is the minutes and open actions from last meeting.
New Action Item 190904-1 GV to provide the announcement text for the opening of the ASO AC teleconferences for observers. New Action Item 190904-2 All ASO AC to monitor the zoom platform and discuss the outcome of the first teleconference open to observers. New Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing in the ASO website New Action Item 190904-4 AS to set a time as early as possible to discuss the streamline of the ICANN Nom Com and ICANN Board election process during ICANN 66 in Montreal Action Item 190807-1: GV to provide an overview of which mailing list(s) each RIR sends ASO AC related announcements to so that the ASO AC could keep track of announcements Action Item 190703-1: KB to send notes to the ac-discuss mailing list regarding audit committee and vote verification methods that were discussed during the ICANN 65 Meeting. Topic to be discussed in ICANN 66 in Montreal

Hello German, all,
Thanks for the minutes. I have 2 remarks and few very very minor comments ;)
- page 3 (§ dedicated to action item 190807-2): The text sent to the RIRs finally specified that observers are not able to participate by using chat room. When reading the minutes, it's not clear we had decided it (perhaps telling that it was noted in the text provided previously by GV ?). - page 6: could perhaps be useful to provide the link to the NRO June minutes (https://www.nro.net/wp-content/uploads/2019-June-18_Minutes-NRO-EC-Teleconfe...).
And my very very minor comments: few final dots are missing ( ;) ) - page 1 for the 2 last new action items, - page 3 after "still a bit experimental", - page 5 after "KB suggested to use the term public mailing list", - page 5 at the end of the New Action item 190904-3, - page 6 at the end of new action item 190904-4.
Many thanks.
-----Message d'origine----- De : ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org [mailto:ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org] De la part de German Valdez Envoyé : jeudi 26 septembre 2019 04:08 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] FW: Minutes and Open Action 4 September 2019 Meeting
Just a friendly reminder of the draft minutes and open actions to be reviewed in next week teleconference.
On 11/9/19, 10:44 am, "ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of German Valdez" <ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of german@apnic.net> wrote:
Dear AC
Apologies for the delay. Here is the minutes and open actions from last meeting.
New Action Item 190904-1 GV to provide the announcement text for the opening of the ASO AC teleconferences for observers. New Action Item 190904-2 All ASO AC to monitor the zoom platform and discuss the outcome of the first teleconference open to observers. New Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing in the ASO website New Action Item 190904-4 AS to set a time as early as possible to discuss the streamline of the ICANN Nom Com and ICANN Board election process during ICANN 66 in Montreal Action Item 190807-1: GV to provide an overview of which mailing list(s) each RIR sends ASO AC related announcements to so that the ASO AC could keep track of announcements Action Item 190703-1: KB to send notes to the ac-discuss mailing list regarding audit committee and vote verification methods that were discussed during the ICANN 65 Meeting. Topic to be discussed in ICANN 66 in Montreal
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participants (2)
German Valdez