Minutes: ASO AC Teleconference 7 July 2021

Please find in attachment draft minutes of this week teleconference.
We have only one action item open
New Action Item 210707-1: KB to work with GV to send out a note and Doodle poll to schedule a meeting with the participation of a person knowledgeable in the global policy development process in each region and send this to the NRO EC for approval.
Next Meeting – Special Meeting Tuesday 13 July 2021 Next Regular Meeting – Wednesday 4 August 2021
German Valdez

Dear EC
Just a reminder of the minutes subject to review next week
From: AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of German Valdez german@apnic.net Date: Thursday, 8 July 2021 at 8:34 pm To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: ASO AC Teleconference 7 July 2021 Dear ASO AC Please find in attachment draft minutes of this week teleconference.
We have only one action item open
New Action Item 210707-1: KB to work with GV to send out a note and Doodle poll to schedule a meeting with the participation of a person knowledgeable in the global policy development process in each region and send this to the NRO EC for approval.
German Valdez
participants (1)
German Valdez