Minutes: ASO AC 6 November 2024 Teleconference

I’m attaching minutes of last week meeting for your perusal.
New Action Item 241106-1: German V. to send an official email informing ICANN that Louie Lee has been appointed to the NomCom.
Action Item 240605-3: Hervé C. to prepare a new monthly report on the ICP-2 review and send it to the ASO AC for feedback. Hervé will then send the final version of this report to the EC prior to the next NRO EC meeting. OPEN
Next Meeting: Wed 4 December 2024
Germán Valdez

Hi all,
Thanks Laureana and German one more time for the minutes. This time I found only one very minor remark: renumbering the agenda to have at the end 10, 11, 12 and not 10, 12, 13 (and same for § numbers page 6).
Thanks for your great work.
Best regards
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : lundi 11 novembre 2024 09:27 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: ASO AC 6 November 2024 Teleconference
I'm attaching minutes of last week meeting for your perusal.
New Action Item 241106-1: German V. to send an official email informing ICANN that Louie Lee has been appointed to the NomCom.
Action Item 240605-3: Hervé C. to prepare a new monthly report on the ICP-2 review and send it to the ASO AC for feedback. Hervé will then send the final version of this report to the EC prior to the next NRO EC meeting. OPEN
Next Meeting: Wed 4 December 2024
Germán Valdez
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participants (2)
German Valdez Aviles