Draft Agenda: 3 April 2024 ASO AC Teleconference

Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference.
The Secretariat is adding some suggested action items from San Juan for your perusal.
Feel free to suggest any changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes April 2024 5. ICP-2 Update 6. ICANN Seat 9 election update 7. Reports a) APNIC 57 Report 8. AOB 9. Closed Session a) ICANN Board Interview and Selection Phase 10. Adjourn
Open Actions
Action Item 240207-1: The ASO AC Chair to send the final version of the 2023-2025 timeline so it can be tentatively agreed that this timeline fits the EC’s framework.
Action Item 240207-2: The Secretariat to set up a special call for the ASO AC to discuss how they will organize their work for the ICP-2 update (timeline, activities, who will do what, etc.).
Action Item 240207-3: Hervé C. to send the document titled “Comments to NRO EC on ICP-2 Implementation Procedures (2024-02-07 - FINAL)” to the NRO EC, cc the AC-DISCUSS mailing list.
Action Item 240207-4: Hervé C. to share via the AC-DISCUSS mailing list the brief report of the ASO AC’s work in Montevideo on 29-30 January as shared via the mailing list (including the amendments suggested via the mailing list itself).
Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. ONGOING
Action item 20230911-1: As soon as the period for candidate acceptance closes (15 December), the ASO AC to set up times for special meetings for deliberating after the last round of interviews with the candidates to the ICANN Board. ONGOING
Suggested Actions Items from San Juan PR
Action Item 240305-1: Hervé C. to ask Ron da Silva whether he would be ok to continue to serve as the ASO AC NomCom representative if “conditions are met”.
Action Item 240305-2: The Secretariat to publish the three existing versions of the MoU (1999, 2004, 2019) on the ASO wiki.
Action Item 240305-3: Steve Sheng to share with the ASO AC the documents he has from the time when AFRINIC was created (documents proving that AFRINIC met all the requirements of ICP-2). This will serve as background information for the discussion of the ICP-2 principles.
Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. After the initial four, these teleconferences will continue but their frequency will be reduced.
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed.
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website.
Zoom Details:
Topic: 2024 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: 3 April, 2024 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335 Password: 739543 If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60

Thank you German, I will attend on the 3.4. via zoom. I have no changes. All the best Constanze
German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net schrieb am Mo., 1. Apr. 2024, 13:27:
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference.
The Secretariat is adding some suggested action items from San Juan for your perusal.
Feel free to suggest any changes.
Roll Call
Agenda Review
Review Open Actions
Approval Minutes April 2024
ICP-2 Update
ICANN Seat 9 election update
a) APNIC 57 Report
Closed Session
a) ICANN Board Interview and Selection Phase
Open Actions
Action Item 240207-1: The ASO AC Chair to send the final version of the 2023-2025 timeline so it can be tentatively agreed that this timeline fits the EC’s framework.
Action Item 240207-2: The Secretariat to set up a special call for the ASO AC to discuss how they will organize their work for the ICP-2 update (timeline, activities, who will do what, etc.).
Action Item 240207-3: Hervé C. to send the document titled “Comments to NRO EC on ICP-2 Implementation Procedures (2024-02-07 - FINAL)” to the NRO EC, cc the AC-DISCUSS mailing list.
Action Item 240207-4: Hervé C. to share via the AC-DISCUSS mailing list the brief report of the ASO AC’s work in Montevideo on 29-30 January as shared via the mailing list (including the amendments suggested via the mailing list itself).
Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. ONGOING
Action item 20230911-1: As soon as the period for candidate acceptance closes (15 December), the ASO AC to set up times for special meetings for deliberating after the last round of interviews with the candidates to the ICANN Board. ONGOING
*Suggested Actions Items from San Juan PR*
Action Item 240305-1*: *Hervé C. to ask Ron da Silva whether he would be ok to continue to serve as the ASO AC NomCom representative if “conditions are met”.
Action Item 240305-2*:* The Secretariat to publish the three existing versions of the MoU (1999, 2004, 2019) on the ASO wiki.
Action Item 240305-3*:* Steve Sheng to share with the ASO AC the documents he has from the time when AFRINIC was created (documents proving that AFRINIC met all the requirements of ICP-2). This will serve as background information for the discussion of the ICP-2 principles.
Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. After the initial four, these teleconferences will continue but their frequency will be reduced.
Action Item 240305-5*:* The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed.
Action Item 240305-6*:* The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website.
Zoom Details:
Topic: 2024 ASO AC Teleconferences
Time: 3 April, 2024 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link:
*https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09*
Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335
Password: 739543
If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60
AC-DISCUSS mailing list -- ac-discuss@aso.icann.org - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. To unsubscribe send an email to ac-discuss-leave@aso.icann.org %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s

Apologies, but I will miss this meeting. But I sent out an email regarding ICP-2v2 yesterday, which hopefully suffices as a status update.
From: German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 7:27 AM To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda: 3 April 2024 ASO AC Teleconference
Here is a draft agenda for this week teleconference.
The Secretariat is adding some suggested action items from San Juan for your perusal.
Feel free to suggest any changes.
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes April 2024 5. ICP-2 Update 6. ICANN Seat 9 election update 7. Reports a) APNIC 57 Report 8. AOB 9. Closed Session a) ICANN Board Interview and Selection Phase 10. Adjourn
Open Actions
Action Item 240207-1: The ASO AC Chair to send the final version of the 2023-2025 timeline so it can be tentatively agreed that this timeline fits the EC's framework.
Action Item 240207-2: The Secretariat to set up a special call for the ASO AC to discuss how they will organize their work for the ICP-2 update (timeline, activities, who will do what, etc.).
Action Item 240207-3: Hervé C. to send the document titled "Comments to NRO EC on ICP-2 Implementation Procedures (2024-02-07 - FINAL)" to the NRO EC, cc the AC-DISCUSS mailing list.
Action Item 240207-4: Hervé C. to share via the AC-DISCUSS mailing list the brief report of the ASO AC's work in Montevideo on 29-30 January as shared via the mailing list (including the amendments suggested via the mailing list itself).
Action Item 240110-2: Hervé C. to ask the Secretariat to confirm with the EC what the travel policies for ASO AC representatives are for 2024 in each individual region. ONGOING
Action item 20230911-1: As soon as the period for candidate acceptance closes (15 December), the ASO AC to set up times for special meetings for deliberating after the last round of interviews with the candidates to the ICANN Board. ONGOING
Suggested Actions Items from San Juan PR
Action Item 240305-1: Hervé C. to ask Ron da Silva whether he would be ok to continue to serve as the ASO AC NomCom representative if "conditions are met".
Action Item 240305-2: The Secretariat to publish the three existing versions of the MoU (1999, 2004, 2019) on the ASO wiki.
Action Item 240305-3: Steve Sheng to share with the ASO AC the documents he has from the time when AFRINIC was created (documents proving that AFRINIC met all the requirements of ICP-2). This will serve as background information for the discussion of the ICP-2 principles.
Action Item 240305-4: The Secretariat to schedule weekly teleconferences for a period of four weeks during which the ASO AC will continue to discuss the principles document. After the initial four, these teleconferences will continue but their frequency will be reduced.
Action Item 240305-5: The Secretariat to expedite creating on the ASO AC website a section/page dedicated to the ICP-2 Review. This should include the proposed timeline, some historical information, and any other relevant documents and/or information as needed.
Action Item 240305-6: The ASO AC to promptly discuss via the mailing list who will help the Secretariat decide what documents/information should be displayed in the ICP-2 Review part of the ASO AC website.
Zoom Details:
Topic: 2024 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: 3 April, 2024 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335 Password: 739543 If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60
participants (3)
constanze buerger
German Valdez Aviles
Nicholas Nugent