Hi all, how are you?
Thanks Kevin for sharing your work. I like the new structure you gave to the workplan. I think that “Have a timeline for the Chair Appointment” should be out of “End of year” group. It has to be ready in November, because the nomination phase runs during December.
De: herve.clement@orange.com Fecha: miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2023, 5:38 a. m. Para: Kevin Blumberg kevinb@thewire.ca, "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Asunto: [AC-DISCUSS] Re: 2023 Workplan
Thanks Kevin
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De : Kevin Blumberg kevinb@thewire.ca Envoyé : mercredi 1 février 2023 11:36 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] 2023 Workplan
I’ve attached a PDF with a revised version of the Workplan and included the 2022 for comparison.
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Jorge Villa