As mentioned in the call, see bellow a more detailed report about last LACNIC meeting, the 37th.
The report is collaborative effort between Esteban, Jorge and myself.
LACNIC 37 Report
Meeting took place from May 2nd through May 6th, in Cali. Colombia. It was designed in hybrid format, with a few hundreds of remote participants and around 500 people attending in person.
For the remote participants, the meeting was streamed using Zoom (in interactive mode) and Youtube (for viewers only). The Zoom users were allowed to forward questions and to provide their feedback on policies (using the Q&A section and polls to obtain a general overview of approval/rejection by the attendants) during the Policy Forum.
There were also two remote hub where local community members were able to gather to follow the sections, make questions or comments and also participate in the Policy Forum
The agenda included tutorials, technical plenary, policy forum and a short LACNOG update.
Other groups also met during the week: LAC peering forum, FIRST and CSIRTS as well as emerging ISP in the region and the Colombian technical community.
During the policy forum 4 proposals were presented and also the ASO/AC report.
The policy proposals presented in the policy forum were:
- LAC-2022-1: Unify Texts That Apply to Both IPv4 and IPv6 - UNDER DISCUSSION until May 25th
- LAC-2020-10 Authorize Recipients of Delegated Blocks to Sign ROAs - CONSENSUS VALIDATION until May 18th
- LAC-2021-4: Permission to Transfer and Non-Return of Resources - UNDER DISCUSSION until May 25th
- LAC-2022-2: Clarification: The lease of resources is not allowed under the policies in force - UNDER DISCUSSION until May 30th
During the Policy Forum, the ASO AC representatives had a space to provide feedback to the LAC community about the work made during the last year.