Just a reminder to review the October 20th meeting minutes that are subject for approval this week.
I’m attaching a second version that fixes some typos from the original document.
Kind regards
German Valdez
From: German Valdez german@apnic.net Date: Monday, 25 October 2021 at 8:59 pm To: ASO Address Council Public Discussion List ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: Minutes: ASO AC 20 October 2021 Teleconference Dear ASO AC I’m attaching minutes and open actions of last ASO AC Teleconference for your review.
Open Actions
New Action Item 211020-1: KB to update Section 6 of the ASO AC Operating Procedures (Global Policy Development), introducing any necessary editorial changes and fixing possible errors and circulate his draft to the list.
New Action Item 211020-2: Each region to send to the Secretariat the name of their representative to the QRC soon so that the QRC can be formally constituted during the 3 November ASO AC meeting.