Hi German,
I will join via zoom.
Best Steve
From: Jorge Villa via AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Reply-To: Jorge Villa villa@reduniv.edu.cu Date: Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 1:30 PM To: German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net, "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [Ext] [AC-DISCUSS] Re: aMeeting Reminder: ASO AC Teleconference Wednesday 1 November 2023 at 12:00
Hi German, I plan to attend using Zoom, as usual.
Regards, Jorge
De: German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Fecha: jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023, 6:08 a. m. Para: "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Asunto: [AC-DISCUSS] aMeeting Reminder: ASO AC Teleconference Wednesday 1 November 2023 at 12:00
Please R.S.V.P to the list AC-DISCUSS list (ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org).
The November 2023 ASO AC scheduled teleconference will be held in 2 weeks at the following time:
12:00 PM UTC on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 ===========================================
Below you will find Zoom information to join the meeting.
The call will be opened 15 minutes prior to the teleconference to work out any potential technical issues.
If you need to be called, send the following information DIRECTLY to the ASO Secretariat < secretariat@aso.icann.orgmailto:secretariat@aso.icann.org >
- country in which you are located - country code (separate from your own telephone number) - telephone number
When sending in your contact details please verify that they are correct and include the three separate pieces of information specified above.
Zoom Details:
Topic: 2023 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: 1 November, 2023 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 [apnic.zoom.us]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09__;!!PtGJab4!5rupbTPDA9EFWIeueq2Y1oxfgabbLV1lJ6IOMXEDPtlaV9Uo0h4gNMlC07WMoElRiEYLNCFAxw8OzjKgKkzka-Rd2_fi3A$ Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335 Password: 739543 If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60 [apnic.zoom.us]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60__;!!PtGJab4!5rupbTPDA9EFWIeueq2Y1oxfgabbLV1lJ6IOMXEDPtlaV9Uo0h4gNMlC07WMoElRiEYLNCFAxw8OzjKgKkzka-SGgLXPAg$
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