Thanks Jorge !
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : Jorge Villa via AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Envoyé : mardi 10 octobre 2023 20:11 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] LACNIC 40 report
Dear colleagues, I'm sharing this quick report we elaborated about LACNIC40/LACNOG2023 meeting; celebrated last week in Fortaleza, Brazil
Regards, Jorge
LACNIC 40 Report
The meeting took place in the Business Factory of Fortaleza, Brazil; from October 2nd through the 6th.
As usual in the second meeting of the year, the agenda was shared between LACNIC and LACNOG, the Latin American and Caribbean network operators group,
Other groups also met during the week, such as the LAC IXP association (LAC-IX) and LACCSRITs.
Among the activities, there were several tutorials about RPKI, IRR, secure routing and IPv6 only networks.
There were also panels about regional fiber infrastructure, cost sharing andIPv4 leasing.
During the Public Policy Forum, the following proposals were presented:
LAC 2023-3 v1:- considerations for declaring a proposal abandoned (waiting for consensus during the next two weeks) LAC 2022-2 v3 - the lease of resources is not allowed (it will be back to the mailing list for further discussion during the next 4 weeks) LAC 2023-5 v1 - removal of ROA in case of recovered resources (it will be back to the mailing list for further discussion during the next 4 weeks) LAC 2023-6 V1 - special exception for global critical infrastructure providers(it will be back to the mailing list for further discussion during the next 4weeks). An ASO report was presented during the policy forum which highlighted the nomination period for Board Seat 9 election next year, and the recent working on procedures, finished in Kyoto.
The three ASO AC members from the LACNIC regions, had an informal face to face meeting in Fortaleza with German Valdez (NRO Secretariat), Oscar Robles (LACNIC CEO) and Carlos Reyes (from ICANN), to share thoughts and perspectives about the ASO AC working plan for 2024,and their implications in the RIRs budget planning.
According to LACNIC, there were more than 700 attendees in person and more than 500 remotely. LACNIC announced that the next meeting will be in Panamá City from May 6th through 10th 2024.
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