Here are the results of the election for the ASO representative to the ICANN NomCom.
Votes cast: 13 Ron da Silva : 10 Helen Tung: 0 Abstention: 3
According to our current procedures, Ron da Silva would be appointed to the ICANN NomCom as representative of the ASO.
As usual, please corroborate your token and your registered vote, unless there is no observations we’ll proceed to notify candidates and ICANN NomCom secretariat.
1.- dP8Pw - Abstention 2.- wqLUx - Ron da Silva 3.- 6EAxl - Ron da Silva 4.- XLg6X - Ron da Silva 5.- aMAfY - Abstention 6.- y9TT6 - Ron da Silva 7.- hqiEq - Ron da Silva 8.- m9cLs - Ron da Silva 9.- V2Zzm - Ron da Silva 10.-ua6sF - Abstention 11.- z4kuI - Ron da Silva 12.- f7C1F - Ron da Silva 13.- gIyYd - Ron da Silva
German Valdez