Dear all,
Please find attached the last version of our proposals including
* all the work performed by the ASO AC specific working group shepherded by Ricardo (meeting organization, Board Appointment, voting process) and that we agreed in Kyoto * the global editorial and clean up review of all the operational procedures performed by Nick.
Please find below the current process to amend our operational procedures (from ASO AC Operating Procedures | The Address Supporting Organization (ASO ICANN)https://aso.icann.org/documents/operational-documents/operating-procedures-of-the-address-council-of-the-address-supporting-organization/ )
11. Amendment of Operating Procedures These Operating Procedures may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the council or through an electronic vote. The proposed amendment must receive four-fifths majority support of all members of the Address Council whether at a council meeting or via an electronic vote. Electronic votes will be a minimum of 7 days, but can be concluded as soon as all members of the Address Council register a vote. All amendments to these Operating Procedures shall be approved by the Executive Council of the Number Resource Organization. Proposed amended text must be available for discussion on email for seven days prior to the start of a vote unless all Address Council members are available for a discussion of the amendment.
The purpose of this e-mail is to make available for discussion the attached document for seven days. The vote to approve it by the ASO AC will start Sunday 15th October. After voting, this document will be presented to the NRO EC during their next meeting in Hamburg (ICANN 78).
Thanks all for your work and support.
Best regards
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