Hi German,
Is this meeting at UTC 11 AM and not at UTC 12 , usual time of meeting ?
Regards, Gaurav Kansal
On 03-Aug-2023, at 02:46, german@apnic.net wrote:
As discussed, a few hours ago here are the zoom details for the meeting to review the ICP-2 document.
Please have the time during these days to go through document and provide your comments in this list in preparation for the call.
German Valdez
German Valdez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ASO AC ICP-2 Review Time: Aug 16, 2023 11:00 AM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/93710747746?pwd=eGNYbFBidTBkWmJEc1VUZUdRaUxwdz09
Meeting ID: 937 1074 7746 Password: 735127
If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/aeb3J4QdA5
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