I’m attaching minutes of the this week special meeting.
This will be subject in the next regular ASO AC teleconference scheduled for May 5th 2021
Open Actions:
New Action Item 210414-1: The Secretariat to send to the nomcom list a brief description of the Schulze method and how it would apply to the ICANN Seat 9 election.
The message should also describe how the method applies in the specific case of four candidates and the various scenarios that might occur.
New Action Item 210414-2: The Secretariat and RP to create a page on the wiki for all ASO AC members to add their notes on the lessons learned during the 2021 Seat 9 election with a view
to a 2021 ICANN Board Election Process Review.
New Action Item 210414-3: The Secretariat to send out a Doodle poll to schedule two placeholders for ASO AC meetings during the deliberation phase of the ICANN Seat 9 election. These meetings
would then be cancelled at the chairs’ discretion 24 hours in advance of each meeting.