Following up on the Action Items.
• New Action Item 191204-3: AS to send a note to the NRO EC reminding it of the ASO AC Chair Election process and to ask that Board-appointments to the ASO AC occur earlier in the year.
---> EC has been reminded again to make sure their respective Boards are aware of our operating procedure and should appoint the AC members way before our December meeting.
• New Action Item 191204-4: AS to inform the NRO EC that the ASO AC had voted to implement editorial changes to the ASO AC Procedures to update the names of the new mailing lists and ask for approval to implement.
---> EC has been notified.
Aftab A. Siddiqui
On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 12:24 AM Susannah Gray susannah@apnic.net wrote:
Dear ASO AC,
Please find attached the minutes with *correct* attendee list.
Susannah On 05/12/2019 13:14, Susannah Gray wrote:
Dear ASO AC,
Please find attached the minutes from yesterday's teleconference. A list of action items can be found below.
The next ASO AC Teleconference will be held on *15 January 2020 **at 12:00 PM UTC*.
Open Actions
- New Action Item 191204-1: ALL to review the Draft 2019 ASO AC Work Plan
Activity Review and provide any feedback by 20 December 2019.
- New Action Item 191204-2: ALL to review the Draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan
and provide any feedback before the end of 2019.
- New Action Item 191204-3: AS to send a note to the NRO EC reminding it
of the ASO AC Chair Election process and to ask that Board-appointments to the ASO AC occur earlier in the year.
- New Action Item 191204-4: AS to inform the NRO EC that the ASO AC had
voted to implement editorial changes to the ASO AC Procedures to update the names of the new mailing lists and ask for approval to implement.
- New Action Item 191204-5: Secretariat to update references to the
mailing lists on the ASO AC website once the NRO EC has approved the ASO AC Procedure changes (see Action Item 191204-4).
- New Action Item 191204-6: AS to lead discussion on the Annual
Transparency Review during the January ASO AC Teleconference.
- New Action Item 191204-7: GV to open the ASO AC Chair e-voting period as
soon as the new ASO AC members had been added to the mailing list in January 2020. The voting period is to be opened by 5 January 2020.
- New Action Item 191204-8: ALL to review and comment on the 2020
teleconference schedule by 11 December.
- New Action Item 191204-9: AS to circulate the ICANN Board Election
Process notes on the ac-discuss mailing list.
Kind regards,
-- Susannah Gray NRO Secretariat Supportwww.nro.net
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.orghttps://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss
-- Susannah Gray NRO Secretariat Supportwww.nro.net
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss