Here is a draft Agenda for this week teleconference
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval Minutes January 2025 4. Review Open Actions 5. ICP-2 Update 6. ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Update 7. ASO AC Chairs participation at ICANN 82 (Seattle) 8. Update on ASO AC face- to-face Meeting at APNIC 59 (Malaysia) 9. Update on ASO AC meeting at ICANN 83 (Prague) 10. Form the Policy Proposal Facilitator Teams (PPFT) 11. AOB 12. Closed Session 13. Adjourn
Action Item 240605-3: Hervé C. to prepare a new monthly report on the ICP-2 review and send it to the ASO AC for feedback. Hervé will then send the final version of this report to the EC prior to the next NRO EC meeting. OPEN
Topic: 2025 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: Feb 5, 2025 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
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