Here is a draft agenda for next week teleconference. Feel free to suggest any changes or new topics.


Please remember to book a maximum of 150 min/2:30 hours for this session.


0. Welcome

1. Roll Call

2. Agenda Review

3. Review Open Actions

4. Approval Minutes 

a) 1 September 2021               

5. RIR Overview of the Global Policy Development

            a) AFRINIC

            b) APNIC

            c) ARIN

            d) LACNIC

            e) RIPE NCC

6. Qualification Review Committee for 2021/2022 ICANN Board Election 

7. ASO AC Observers in ICANN Board Election Process

8. RIR Meeting Updates

            a) APNIC 52 Update

            b) LACNIC 36 Update

9. AOB

10. Adjourn


Open Actions


New Action Item 210901-1: KB to send out a draft agenda for the October ASO AC meeting by next week so all AC members can provide feedback. Representatives of each RIR will be present during this meeting to go over the global policy development process in each region.




German Valdez




Topic: ASO AC October 2021 Teleconference

Time: Oct 20, 2021 12:00 – 2:30 PM Universal Time UTC


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