Hello Herve In 1a , July to be changed to January With regards Brajesh
On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 at 11:32 PM, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:
Dear all,
According to the Action Item 201104-2, please find attached a draft for the 2020 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review.
Looking forward for your comments.
Best regards
*De :* ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org [mailto: ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org] *De la part de* German Valdez *Envoyé :* vendredi 27 novembre 2020 02:07 *À :* ac-discuss@aso.icann.org *Objet :* [AC-DISCUSS] Draft Agenda and Open Actions 2 December 2020 Teleconference
Here is a draft agenda for next week teleconference, please have a time to review and suggest any changes you’d like to make. As usual we have a long session in our last meeting of the year.
We have a set of open actions that feed the topics in the agenda. Open actions owners please advance in your tasks.
Draft Agenda ASO AC 2 December 2020 Teleconference
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Agenda Review
- Approval of Minutes - November 2020
- Review Open Actions
- 2020 Work Plan Activity Review
- 2021 ASO AC Work Plan
- Annual Transparency Review
- ASO AC Chair Election Schedule
- 2021 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule
- 2020 ASO AC Appointments Review
- ASO AC Virtual Meeting 2021
a) ICANN Board Seat 9 Election Status (closed session)
b) Farewell leaving members 13. Adjourn
New Action Item 201104-1: ASO AC to update the policy slide deck, which will be published towards the
end of the year, once the five RIRs have held their meetings.
New Action Item 201104-2: HC to circulate the Draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review before the
December teleconference.
New Action Item 201104-3: MS to circulate the draft 2021 ASO AC Work Plan before the December
Teleconference for finalization in January when the new ASO AC is in place.
New Action Item 201104-4: AS to circulate the draft Annual Transparency Review before the December
New Action Item 201104-5: AS to resend the original work plan that the ASO AC had prepared for the f2f
meeting in Cancun for all to analyze, set priorities and decide the number of days/hours needed for the
virtual meeting that will replace the f2f meeting.
New Action Item 201104-6: AS to send a note to the NRO EC stating that, because the Cancun ICANN
meeting will most likely be held online, the ASO AC will not be meeting f2f in Cancun, adding that the ASO
AC plans to analyze whether it is possible to meet f2f later in the year.
Topic: ASO AC December 2020 Teleconference Time: Dec 2, 2020 12:00 PM GMT
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German Valdez
ASO Secretariat
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